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- St Francis Xavier School Mission
- School Goals for 2025
- Merry Christmas
- Principal's Report
- Small School Carnival Results
- Religious Life of School
- Presentation Night
- Cinderella Rockerfella Preformance Success
- Uniform Shop Holiday Hours
- Capital Grants Program Success for SFX
- Starting School Dates for 2025
St Francis Xavier School Mission
Our Mission is ‘to work in an environment of mutual respect for all cultures and backgrounds and celebrating the Gospel principles in order to achieve quality education for all.’
‘You are the Light of the world, let Jesus shine through you to others.’
Matthew 5:14-16
Mission through Courage, Kindness and Reconciliation

During 2025 our educational focus will be to improve Literacy and Numeracy skills — staff, students and families working together so all our students achieve at least 12 months growth. Other goals for the year are:
Build a community that continues to learn
-Improve student achievement in English & Mathematics, through HITP coaching and explicit, evidence-based teaching.
- Enhance student achievement in English & Mathematics by strengthening staff data literacy, focusing on analysing and applying data to inform and improve teaching and learning practices
Build a community that is connected -Improve student attendance and strengthen family engagement to support learning and wellbeing.
As we approach the end of another beautiful year, we want to reflect on the incredible journey we have shared together. This year has been filled with significant growth in learning, students achieving copious successes and countless unforgettable moments. From the first day of school to this very moment, we have come together as a school community; students, staff, and families, supporting and inspiring each other every step of the way.
To our wonderful Kindergarten students, you have shown dedication and enthusiasm for learning. You have overcome challenges, discovered new talents, and have consistently demonstrated kindness and courage. Your accomplishments, both big and small, have made us immensely proud.
We have acknowledged our Year 6 leaders at their Graduation dinner and our Thanksgiving Mass, we would like to again say ‘Thank you’ for your leadership throughout the year – our Year 3/4/5 students have learnt so much from you and we know we will have wonderful leaders next year partly because of you! We wish you all the very best in the next part of your educational journey. Always remember to use those Kind Words with Kind voices and be Kind in all you do – may you always shine the light of Jesus’ love brightly.
Thank you to our families for your invaluable support. Your involvement, encouragement, and partnership have played an instrumental role in the success of our students. Your trust in our school and dedication to their education is appreciated. Together, we have created a strong foundation for our children’s future. A special thank you to our many dedicated and supportive families and friends who again raised significant funds that have been used to supply the school with additional resources. Thank you to everyone that helped in any way!
We would also like to extend our deepest gratitude to our remarkable staff family. Your unwavering commitment to providing a nurturing and engaging learning environment is truly commendable. Your passion for education, creativity in the classroom, and tireless efforts have helped shape our students into confident and capable individuals. We are extremely grateful for all the thousands of little extras that they all do to make our school a very special place every day!
The following members of our school community will be moving on – Fr Dominic, Bardawil, Mitchell, Ward and Clarke families and Mrs Anita Carter - and while we will miss them and appreciate all they have shared with our community over the years, we wish them happiness and success in their next adventure.
Planning for 2025 is well underway. Based on expected enrolments and current cohorts, our classes will be:
Kinder/Year 1 - Mrs Worland
Years 2/3 - Currently recruiting for this role.
Years 4/5/6 - Mrs Fyfe
Our outstanding support staff all continue in their roles. Mrs Shaw will be working 2 days a week, assisting with Learning Support. Mrs Elwin, Mrs Golding & Mrs Morris continue working with Ms Nicole and Ms Rebecca in Exec and Admin. We welcome Fr Hilary in early January and look forward to introducing him to the school community. Similar to this year, IntiaLit will run across all three infant years. We will continue to group for Maths across the school. We will notify families of the outcome to the current recruitment early next year.
May the Christmas break be filled with moments of joy, quiet moments, and shared adventures. Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday season and a new year filled with hope, resilience, and togetherness.
Results from the Small Schools Carnival are in! Our students demonstrated great determination, pride in themselves and their school. Most of all they showed fantastic sportsmanship, cheering their mates on every chance they got. Big congratulations to our Champions!

God of friendship, we thank you for the friends we have made. We pray that our times shared together will always be treasured memories.
God of love, we thank you for the successes that we have had this year. We pray this will give us confidence to face the future with certainty.
God of peace, we thank you for the gift of courage when things were difficult. We pray that these experiences will be a source of strength in our lives for the future.
God of all, we thank you for our school community, which has been a place of comfort, love, and care for us all, over the past year.
May God bless you all. Amen.