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Build a community that continues to learn
Through:- Building a school wide approach to the teaching and learning and increasing teacher capacity.
Enhance and maintain the wellbeing of all
Our target for the year:- Attendance rates will increase from 88% to 95% across the school, and we will maintain representation throughout the community
Build a community that is connected
Our target for the year:- Increase family attendance at interviews and open day and introduce Yarn Time sessions
The past few weeks have been quite busy at school; Book Week, Mission Week and NAIDOC week as well as White Ribbon Day. Many things to celebrate and learn from.
White Ribbon Day was on Friday 20th November. This global movement of communities works to end male violence against women and girls. At school and as a community we are working together to support our families to protect not just our females but our children; the message that is in the window of our AMS is one that we need to all remember -
"You are your children's first and best teacher!
Make sure your messages is a positive one!"
The next fews weeks are quite busy as well. Please note our end of year events and their dates and times:
- Thanksgiving Mass - Friday 11th December at 11.30pm in the church
- K/1/2 End of Year Presentation Assembly - Monday 14th December at 11.30am in the school hall
- Year 3/4/5/6 End of Year Presentation Assembly - Monday 14th December at 2.00pm in the school hall
Due to COVID restrictions we will need families to RSVP and let us know if you are coming to these events, so we can ensure the safety of all. There will be an additional note next week with further details and a RSVP slip to return to school. We would appreciate your assistance in this matter.
Students will go home today with the following notes that need to be returned:-
- End of Year Mass and Presentation Assemblies - please ensure that the RSVP slip is returned as soon as possible please.
- End of Year Reward Day - permission slip needs to be returned
- Year 6 Dinner - Numbers are needed as soon as possible please - Friday would be great if possible
- Final note for Year 6 excursion
Swimming Program Postponed till 2021
Due to many unavoidable circumstances we will have to postpone the Term 4 Swimming Program till Term 1 2021. Additional measures have been requested of schools and teachers to ensure the safety of all our children when swimming and staff are aiming to acquire further training and qualifications. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes in preparing your child for the swimming season this Summer.
- Actively supervise children around water
- Restrict Access
- Teach water awareness
- Learn how to resuscitate
Monday 30th November we have our long awaited Life Education visit. Even though the van is not visiting this year we have our Life Education Educator , Miss Rae, work with all classes on some very important messages.
Year 5/6 module of learning is "Think Twice" which tackles the topic of drinking alcohol in age appropriate contexts. Some of the topics covered include the effect alcohol has on body systems, myths and facts about alcohol and alcohol laws and reasons why people choose not to consume alcohol.
Year 3/4 module of learning is "BCyberwise" which focuses on cybersafety, cyber ethics and building positive relationships with friends online and offline. Some of the topics covered include password security, risks of sharing personal information, communicating respectfully and strategies to handle cyberbullying.
Kinder/Year 1/Year 2 module of learning is "Ready, Steady, Go" which focuses on the benefits of physical activity, safety strategies in different environments and what our bodies need to be healthy.
This fantastic opportunity provides our students with many memories and learning skills that will support them throughout their lives. The Life Education Website has resources for families and children as well. Visit via this link -
St Francis Xavier Feast Day is celebrated on the 3rd of December. Our school mass this Friday we will remember and celebrated St Francis Xavier. Please join us in our school mass at 11.30am.
Kinder Transition
Transition Graduation and Kinder Information Session- On Tuesday 1st December, the last day of Transition, there will be an information session for families at 10.30am in the library. After the information session families are invited to a morning tea in the staff room. Then at 11.30am we will have a Graduation Assembly for our Kinder Transition students and their families. Please join us for these special events.
Year 6 Canberra Excursion- Sunday 6th December till Tuesday 8th December - note sent home with students today.
Year 6 Dinner - Wednesday 8th December - at the Bowling Club - 7pm for a 7.30pm meal.
Thanksgiving Mass- Friday 11th December at 11.30am. This will be the final School Mass for the year. During this liturgical celebration we will ask for God's blessing on our Year 6 students and their families as they move onto the next phase of their life. Please join us
End of Year Presentation- Instead of the normal end of year Presentation Evening we will be having 2 assemblies on Monday 14th of December. We will present awards and celebrate our year of learning together. So please add the date - 14th December to you calendar, with the following times
- 11.30am for Kinder/Year 1/Year 2 students and families and
- 2.00pm for Year 3-6 students and families.