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- School Goals for 2022
- Principal's Report
- Thank you Leonie
- What's On
- Meals on Wheels
- Western Region Public Speaking Competition
- Year 2/3 News
- Athlete's Foot ~ School Fundraising opportunity
- K/1 News
- Lunch drop off
- Year 4/5/6 News
- Book Club ~ Issue 3 is out now!
- Breakfast Club Changes
- School Counsellor ~ Emma McRae
- Learning is FUN
- School Times
Welcome back to Term 2.
I have loved seeing the students arrive with smiles on their faces and joy as they meet with their friends each morning! Our teachers have been busy planning learning opportunities for our students but also working on their own Professional Learning.
This week staff spent some time collaboratively learning and planning together with teachers from St Joseph's in Grenfell and CE RE consultants.
Thank you to all our families that supported the ANZAC celebrations. It was wonderful to be able to come together as a community. Thank you to our leaders Belle and Max, who assisted in the ceremony and all students that participated in the march!
Thursday 12th May - AECG Meeting @ Land Council 3.30pm
Friday 13th May - Pirate Day - preschool visit
Tuesday 17th May - School Community Council Meeting @ 6pm
9th to 20th May - NAPLAN for students in Year 3 and Year 5
Friday 20th May - Biggest Morning Tea at 11am
- School Mass @ 11.30am
- Assembly Kinder and Year 5/6 @ 12.30pm
- First Eucharist Information Session @ 1pm
Tuesday 24th May - CWA Public Speaking
Thursday 26th May - 5/6 League Day (Griffith) and National Sorry Day
Tuesday 31st May - Reconcillation Day
PLEASE NOTE - End of Term 2 will be Wednesday 29th June for students. Thursday 30th June and Friday 1st July will be additional Pupil Free Days.
Western Region Public Speaking Competition
Students are participating in the WR Public Speaking competition again this year. Public Speaking is an essential skill for all students. Students will be asked to present a 2-minute or 3-minute speech on Thursday 3rd August at school. From this 2 students from each class - Year 3/4/5/ 6 - will be chosen to represent the school and compete against the winning students from St Mary's at West Wyalong.
Public Speaking Assembly – Thursday 3rd August at 11.30am
Topics for students to choose from are as follows: -
Year 3 - Time Limit: 2 Minutes - Topic: MY BACKYARD
Year 4 - Time Limit: 2 Minutes - Topic: SPORT BRINGS US TOGETHER
Year 5 - Time Limit: 3 Minutes - Topic: LEARNING FRROM THE PAST
Year 6 - Time Limit: 3 Minutes - Topic: DIFFICULT JOURNEYS
Over the holidays students have the time to start their speeches or think of ideas for their speeches.
Year 2/3 have been busy in Math's using tiles to work out math's problems. They have also joined the Typing Tournament community online, to aim to improve their typing skills - if families would like the passwords for this program please contact the school.
Students are also writing their speeches in preparation for the Public Speaking Assembly next Friday. Come along and listen to their speeches.
Athlete's Foot ~ School Fundraising opportunity
Thank you to the community members that have nominated our school as the recipient of the $5 per new shoes at Athlete's Foot - so far we have received $150!
It is like K/1 have not been on holidays! Firing on all cylinders! We have been busy back at school.
Through Dramatic play we have been practicing our communication skills like, ‘How can I help you?’, “May I please have..” and when we interrupt someone we say ‘Excuse me’.
In Mathematics we are currently looking at place value. This includes making ten, counting on from ten, counting by tens and showing tens and ones.
Also in Science this term we are looking at the weather. This week we looked at how and why it rains. Using a cloud experiment, we found out that when the clouds get full of water it rains.
To encourage students to read more, a Home Reading Log will be sent home with all students to complete at home to record any book they read (or others read with them). Children will be rewarded for each total of 10 books they read and additional rewards for each 25 books they read.
Please help us to assist our students become better readers.
Please note if you wish to borrow books for your children to read at home our school is extremely well resourced and we will lend books to any family or student wishing for more books (or different choices of books) at home.
Book Club ~ Issue 3 is out now!
2021 marks the 25th year of National Family Reading Month which celebrates and encourages families to read more together.
We know how important reading together is and its long-term value to our children’s success in school and in life. May is an opportunity for families to take the 31 Day Family Reading Challenge – to make reading together for at least 10 minutes every day a focus, to create positive, long lasting reading habits and lifelong readers!
Sign up to join the 31 Day Reading Challenge starting 1 May 2021 -
There will be NO breakfast club at school on Wednesday 28/04/2021 and the 05/05/2021 due to 'Down the Track' attending training out of town.
School Counsellor ~ Emma McRae
Emma McRae will be continuing with us this term supporting our students as our school counsellor. Emma will continue to support the school through both on site visits and via Zoom sessions.
Visits this term will be - 14th/15th October, 28th/29th October and 18/19th November.
Zoom sessions are on the following Thursdays - 21st October, 11th November, 25th November and 2nd December.
If you would like your child to meet with Miss Emma please contact the school for a copy of the referral form to be completed.