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- Small Schools Athletics Carnival ~ 21st May
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A Mother’s Blessing
May you always be a strong arm to the weak;
And may you always be a comfort to the crying;
A smile to the lonely;
A blessing to the grieving;
And may you always be a haven for the anxious.
May your life be full of Jesus and his love;
May you be God-driven by the Father and the Spirit;
And may you be his hands and smile and be his arms of comfort.
And may you always be his blessing to the world. Amen
This year we celebrate 200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia, the theme for the year is ‘Faith in our Future’ with a focus on Hope. The theme reflects the core purpose of Catholic education to form students in their faith and to provide an education that enables our students to make a meaningful contribution to the world. The theme reflects our commitment to build on the great work of those who have come before us and to provide a Catholic education for future generations in a world that is rapidly changing and poses new challenges for Catholic school communities. We look to the future with faith and hope that we can face these challenges and continue to build on and strengthen our mission of Catholic Education. Catholic Schools Week provides an opportunity to again focus on this theme. We will celebrate Catholic Schools Week with a school mass in Week 6 (28th May) all families are invited to join us in this celebration.
Friday 21st May, Fr Paul has invited our school community to participate in the Christian Unity Liturgy. The liturgy is an opportunity for all Christians to come and celebrate together. We have had several students offer to participate in the liturgy. Letters will go home on Monday for these students.
Please keep in your prayers our students who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of First Eucharist later this term. The information session for families provides important dates and information, if you are not able to attend, please contact Mrs Morris to arrange a time to go through the information. We invite the school community to this special mass on Saturday 5th June at 6:00pm.
National Reconciliation Week – More than a work, Reconciliation takes action! Reconciliation Australia’s theme for 2021, More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, urges us towards braver and more impactful action. Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation.
We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures. 2021 marks twenty years of Reconciliation Australia and almost three decades of Australia’s formal reconciliation process
We will acknowledge and celebrate Reconciliation Week during Week 7, More information to follow.
Thursday 12th May - AECG Meeting @ Land Council 3.30pm
Friday 13th May - Pirate Day - preschool visit
Tuesday 17th May - School Community Council Meeting @ 6pm
9th to 20th May - NAPLAN for students in Year 3 and Year 5
Friday 20th May - Biggest Morning Tea at 11am
- School Mass @ 11.30am
- Assembly Kinder and Year 5/6 @ 12.30pm
- First Eucharist Information Session @ 1pm
Tuesday 24th May - CWA Public Speaking
Thursday 26th May - 5/6 League Day (Griffith) and National Sorry Day
Tuesday 31st May - Reconcillation Day
PLEASE NOTE - End of Term 2 will be Wednesday 29th June for students. Thursday 30th June and Friday 1st July will be additional Pupil Free Days.
Small Schools Athletics Carnival ~ 21st May
Our Small Schools Athletics Carnival is on next Friday, the 21st May, We will welcome Naradhan, Rankin Springs & Euabalong West Schools to our school. All family members are invited to attend. Come along and support our students and if you are available to help out at all please see Mrs Morris and let her know.
In the wonderful 2/3 classroom we have been busy reading our new story book ‘The Stone Lion’. We shared thoughts about some ‘sparkly’ descriptive words in the story. We’ve also been looking at map reading and drawing in both maths and geography, practising our left and right turns! Role play and games have been a big part of the classroom in the last fortnight as we ‘step into’ different characters and voices. We have also practised showing a thumbs up as a symbol for having an idea and have been playing beautifully as friends on the playground ☺️
This theme highlights the important role families play as the central building block of our communities and that community wellbeing is enhanced by family wellbeing.
At school we are holding an Open day for all families to join us. On Wednesday 19th we will start our School Open Morning with a breakfast at 8.30am by 'Down The Track'. After morning assembly families are invited into our classrooms to spend some time with your children. Families are invited to join staff for morning tea in the staffroom to concude the Open Morning.The School has been ask to supply a luncheon for the Car Rally on Sunday 6th June. We are asking if families could help for this major fundraiser. We will need:-
- volunteers on the day - to cook and help out
- Volunteers on Saturday to set up the Boat Shed, and
- cooking of slices, cakes etc for dessert plates. If anyone is able to help in any way please contact the School or Sharna Hayward.
Thank you to those families that have offered to cook on Fridays. This enables us to reopen our canteen at recess. Please see below the roster.
14th May - Kirstin & Shane
21st May - All Families Please
28th May - Sharna & Kirsty
4th June - Nikki & Kristy
11th June - Anna & Amanda
18th June - Therese & Kate
25th June - Rebecca & Shane
If anyone else is able to help in any way please contact the school or Sharna Hayward.