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- School Goals for 2022
- Principal's Report
- What's On
- Year 4/5/6 News
- First Eucharist Celebration
- Year 2/3 News
- Music News
- Western Region Athletics Carnival – change of date!
- Attendance
- Kinder/ Yr 1 Kindness
- 2022 Kindergarten School Transition
- Car Rally Catering
- Cooking with Ms Wheeler
- Tell Them For Me Survey
- School Holiday Fun
- Bede Polding College Visit
- School Photos
- Western Region Principal's Meeting
- Beanie Day
- Lower Lachlan Community Event
We have an amazing school community, as was very evident leading up to and throughout last weekend. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who assisted in any way with the First Eucharist Celebration and the Car Rally catering.
We are blessed with an amazing staff family, wonderful families, including parents and grandparents and terrific students. I want to thank each and every staff member that goes well and truly beyond the 9 to 3 school weekday and every family member that assisted in anyway to support our school last weekend!
As a community we need to give particular thanks to Mrs Rachael Morris and Miss Tori Corcoran for our reverent Eucharist celebration and the excellent preparation of the First Eucharist candidates, and to Nicole Wood and Sharna Hayward for the organisation and preparing of everything for the successful catering.
Thursday 12th May - AECG Meeting @ Land Council 3.30pm
Friday 13th May - Pirate Day - preschool visit
Tuesday 17th May - School Community Council Meeting @ 6pm
9th to 20th May - NAPLAN for students in Year 3 and Year 5
Friday 20th May - Biggest Morning Tea at 11am
- School Mass @ 11.30am
- Assembly Kinder and Year 5/6 @ 12.30pm
- First Eucharist Information Session @ 1pm
Tuesday 24th May - CWA Public Speaking
Thursday 26th May - 5/6 League Day (Griffith) and National Sorry Day
Tuesday 31st May - Reconcillation Day
PLEASE NOTE - End of Term 2 will be Wednesday 29th June for students. Thursday 30th June and Friday 1st July will be additional Pupil Free Days.
Western Region Athletics Carnival – change of date!
The WR Athletics Carnival new date is Wednesday the 14th of July (week 1) and a backup date of Monday the 19th (week 2). Hopefully, we have more luck with the weather. Mrs Elwin will be in touch with families of students eligible and willing to represent our school on Monday 12th July.
Attendance Champions
2022 Kindergarten School Transition
Transition programs provide opportunities for discussion on any queries or concerns families may have regarding school readiness. Transition programs will be run in Term 4 on Tuesdays for 6 weeks.
Another information session will occur later this term, hosted at Lake Early Learning Centre to continue to provide families with information to support the learning journey from preschool to primary school.
also donated to the school and community 100 jackets and 50 hats!
No-Bake Peanut Butter Treats
Students, families and staff were invited to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
The Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey will close for families today. As we value the role of families within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Francis Xavier School.
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are able to access the family survey on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below:
The link is
School Photos will be taken on Tuesday 22nd of June 2021. Packages available are as follows:-
Family portraits are also available - envelops for ordering are at school office.
Western Region Principal's Meeting
Thank you again to everyone that supported our school as we hosted the Western Region Principal’s Meeting. Along with the Principals from all the Western Region schools we had members from our Catholic Education office, including Deputy Director, Dr Tony Bracken. The meetings were very productive and all enjoyed the hospitality provided. Dr Tony Bracken was impressed with our school and on his return to Canberra spoke about how our school is a great example of meeting the mission of the church.
Thank you Sharna, Nicole, Sharon and everyone that assisted in the catering for this meeting - it was wonderful to see all our visitors sitting in our staffroom before they left sharing a wonderful meal together created by our school community!
Our Student Representative Council are planning a Beanie day to raise money for St Vinnies Winter Appeal. On Tuesday 22nd June (Week 10) students are invited to wear their best winter hat and order a special lunch. We also ask that students bring a can of food that can be donated to Vinnies for their Winter Appeal. Money raised from lunch will also be donated. Lunch order forms will be sent home today - if you wish to order order form and money need to be back at school by Friday 18th June. Thank you for supporting this appeal.