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Thank you to everyone within our school community for another successful term. Some highlights of the term include: -
~ three amazing assemblies presented by each class and the many families and friends who were able to view these special celebrations showcasing student learning
~ the very successful car rally fundraiser, which so many members of our community supported wholeheartedly!
~ the beautiful First Eucharist celebration
~ special visits working with our preschoolers - great leadership from our 5/6 students
~ our 3-way interviews to discuss our new reports and student learning
~ many Professional Learning opportunities for our staff.
I am writing this message from Canberra as Rachael Morris and I are participating in the 'Spiritus Program'. We are learning more about how we can better support the faith formation of our teachers and students and more about the new evangelisation,
"The Christian faith is not simply teachings, wise sayings, a code of morality or a tradition. The Christian faith is a true encounter and relationship with Jesus Christ." The Synod of Bishops (New Evangelisation for the Transmission of the Faith)
And as Pope Francis says, "Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus: we no longer say that we are “disciples” and “missionaries,” but rather that we are always “missionary disciples.”
Thursday 12th May - AECG Meeting @ Land Council 3.30pm
Friday 13th May - Pirate Day - preschool visit
Tuesday 17th May - School Community Council Meeting @ 6pm
9th to 20th May - NAPLAN for students in Year 3 and Year 5
Friday 20th May - Biggest Morning Tea at 11am
- School Mass @ 11.30am
- Assembly Kinder and Year 5/6 @ 12.30pm
- First Eucharist Information Session @ 1pm
Tuesday 24th May - CWA Public Speaking
Thursday 26th May - 5/6 League Day (Griffith) and National Sorry Day
Tuesday 31st May - Reconcillation Day
PLEASE NOTE - End of Term 2 will be Wednesday 29th June for students. Thursday 30th June and Friday 1st July will be additional Pupil Free Days.
We pray for all members of our communities:
that they may discover the spiritual riches of God and our First Nations cultures so they can pass these treasures on to younger generations.
We pray for all Elders in our communities:
that we may honour their lives and legacy and embrace the love and peace that they show us every day by how they live their faith.
We pray for all young people:
that they find the love and peace Christ has for them as they search for meaning in their lives.
We pray for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities and all cultural communities:
that God’s Spirit of reconciliation will live in their hearts and minds and help them to embrace the diversity that makes for a richer country and stronger Church.
Thank you to families, teachers and students for the many 3-way interviews that occured this week. Semester One reports for students that haven't attended Parent/Teacher interviews are with class teachers. Please make a time to meet with your child's teacher to collect their reports.
Western Region Athletics Carnival – change of date!
The WR Athletics Carnival new date is Wednesday the 14th of July (week 1) and a backup date of Monday the 19th (week 2). Hopefully, we have more luck with the weather. Mrs Elwin will be in touch with families of students eligible and willing to represent our school on Monday 12th July.
We will again have the very special Dad's in School Day on Thursday 8th September. Dads, Grandads, Pops, Uncles of Kinder and Year 1/2 please add this day to your calendars. Look out in Term 4 for our 'Mums' Event.
Students will be creating your invitations at school today, so please check bags this week for these special invitations. Our "Dads in School Day" is a wonderful way for our families to come along and join in some special learning and fun activities. Hopefully we will see you on Thursday 8th September!
This week we had the Winter Warmer Appeal for Vinnies, students wore their favourite winter hat and enjoyed a special lunch.
The students raised over $200 and collected a number of cans, an incredible effort by all.
Special thanks to our SRC who helped prepare lunch for everyone and Tom & Brooke Brown from HnM Butchery for their kind donation of vouchers.
Western Region Principal's Meeting
Thank you again to everyone that supported our school as we hosted the Western Region Principal’s Meeting. Along with the Principals from all the Western Region schools we had members from our Catholic Education office, including Deputy Director, Dr Tony Bracken. The meetings were very productive and all enjoyed the hospitality provided. Dr Tony Bracken was impressed with our school and on his return to Canberra spoke about how our school is a great example of meeting the mission of the church.
Thank you Sharna, Nicole, Sharon and everyone that assisted in the catering for this meeting - it was wonderful to see all our visitors sitting in our staffroom before they left sharing a wonderful meal together created by our school community!
On behalf of IGA Management I would like to congratulate all the children who visited IGA today Thursday 24/6/21.
All the Children were so well behaved
So well mannered and so grateful of the donation of biscuits.
These Children are amazing and are welcome anytime for another visit.
We look forward to their next visit to our store.
Thank you