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- School Goals for 2022
- Principal's Report
- Local Vinnies Support
- Prayer
- Compass
- What's On
- National Tree Planting Day
- Catering Thank You
- 2022 Kindergarten School Transition
- Sensory Garden
- K/1 News
- BOOK WEEK 2024 ~Scholastic Book Fair
- Semester One Attendance Data
- Western Region Public Speaking Competition
As I prepare to go on Long Service Leave (next week) I am continually grateful for the amazing staff and families that support our school. Our staff family celebrated my leave this week with a shared, delicious morning tea and lunch. Their gratitude and support of all we do for all within our community will support Mrs Morris and Miss O'Brien as they step up into the Exec staff positions for the remainder of Term 3.
We aim to ensure that our school is a place that everyone feels safe and happy. Our rules and Pastoral Care Policy aim to support this for every student and staff member. I would like to thank the families that let the school know of any issues with their child that affects their feelings of safety or happiness.
Yesterday teachers needed to remind our Year 4/5/6 boys of our school's rules and expectations as there have been some incidents that have impacted other students. We will continue to work together to keep our school a special learning environment for all.
At St Francis Xavier school we are always looking for ways to demonstrate our commitment to social justice and to be active community members. One example of this is our Leadership class joining Mrs Morris and Aunty Sharon for Meals on Wheels. Another opportunity we are going to explore is supporting our Local Vinnies. Due to declining numbers Vinnies has had to reduce their opening hours and increase the work undertaken by the amazing volunteers. Mrs Elwin and Mrs Morris attended a meeting early in the week and discussed the possibility of our Leadership class lending a hand. More information will be provided to families as details are finalised. Vinnie’s is also on the lookout for more volunteers. Without people to open to store, we risk losing an essential service to our community. If any families have the time to support the organization, please head down and talk with staff.
Mary MacKillop was a trail-blazer. She left a culture of exemplary living for her followers to emulate. Mary paved the way for education of poor children and a variety of ministries which addressed the needs of 19th contrary Australia. Her legacy continues today in countless ways. Mary MacKillop’s legacy holds more for the Sisters of Saint Joseph and followers than the way we minister. She encourages us to be people of justice and ecumenism. Mary inspires us to be courageous and hopeful and to have a deep faith in our God who provides. Mary MacKillop has shown us how to forgive and how to be compassionate; she teaches us about sanctity and is a saint for all of us today. We, as a school founded by the Sisters of St Joseph, are proud to acknowledge St Mary of the Cross MacKillop on her feast day, Sunday 8th August.
This year the school has started to use a new operating system called Compass. Within Compass there is a Parent Portal. The Parent Portal is the most effective way for schools to include and interact with both students and families alike. Parent Portal is a window for a families into their child's learning journey. We''ll send you your log-in detials so you can log into the parent portal app or desktop, once you have your log-in details you'll be able to Enter absence and consent notes, communicate with your child's teachers, book parent teacher interviews and receive communication from staff.
If you would like any support or further information please see Nicole Wood.
Thursday 12th May - AECG Meeting @ Land Council 3.30pm
Friday 13th May - Pirate Day - preschool visit
Tuesday 17th May - School Community Council Meeting @ 6pm
9th to 20th May - NAPLAN for students in Year 3 and Year 5
Friday 20th May - Biggest Morning Tea at 11am
- School Mass @ 11.30am
- Assembly Kinder and Year 5/6 @ 12.30pm
- First Eucharist Information Session @ 1pm
Tuesday 24th May - CWA Public Speaking
Thursday 26th May - 5/6 League Day (Griffith) and National Sorry Day
Tuesday 31st May - Reconcillation Day
PLEASE NOTE - End of Term 2 will be Wednesday 29th June for students. Thursday 30th June and Friday 1st July will be additional Pupil Free Days.
Last Friday we celebrated National Tree Planting Day along with Euabalong West School and Mr Cameron Rowling-Scott from Landcare.
Cameron spoke about tree planting and what this means for our community. National Tree Planting Day has planted millions of trees over the past 20 years, we planted around 40 native trees and shrubs around the school. All students from Kinder to Year 6 enjoyed learning about this special environmental event and getting their hands dirty.
Many peope supported this day. Many thanks to:-
- Stan for preparing the holes,
- Euabolong West for joining us and working within our school grounds
- all the teachers and students for the work on Friday
- Mal Carnegie from the Lake Cowal Conservation centre for suppling some of the native plants
- and special thanks to Cameron Rowling-Scott - Local Landcare Coordinator.
Special thanks to Sharna Hayward, Shane Phillips and Mrs Elwin for cooking for the catering last weekend. This catering event raised $450 for our School Community Council.
Happy Birthday Margie Harris!
2022 Kindergarten School Transition
Transition programs provide opportunities for discussion on any queries or concerns families may have regarding school readiness. Transition programs will be run in Term 4 on Tuesdays for 6 weeks.
Another information session will occur later this term, hosted at Lake Early Learning Centre to continue to provide families with information to support the learning journey from preschool to primary school.
BOOK WEEK 2024 ~Scholastic Book Fair
Each year since 1945 the Children Book Council of Australia has brought children and books together across Australia through CBCA Book Week. During this time at school we will spend one glorious week celebrating books and Australian children's authors and illustrators. During this week we will have a Book Character Parade, with students dressing up as their favourite book character, and a Book Fair.
The Book Fair will be held in the Library from Monday 19th August till Friday 23rd August. Please support the Book Fair as every item purchased will result in a percentage given to the school library.
Regular attendance at school is essential for students to achieve quality life outcomes and while we have seen improvements we still have a way to go. Schools, in partnership with families, are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students.
Improved Attendance is one of our school goals for 2021. Each year the Government collects data on every school student as it is a requirement under the Australian Education Regulation Act 2013.
The data for Semester One 2021 include the following information -
Our goal is to have every class between 90% and 95%. Well Done Year 2 - the only class above 90%. Year 1 is nearly there. Year 3 and Year 5 have some work to do!
Western Region Public Speaking Competition
Students are participating in the WR Public Speaking competition again this year. Public Speaking is an essential skill for all students. Students will be asked to present a 2-minute or 3-minute speech on Thursday 3rd August at school. From this 2 students from each class - Year 3/4/5/ 6 - will be chosen to represent the school and compete against the winning students from St Mary's at West Wyalong.
Public Speaking Assembly – Thursday 3rd August at 11.30am
Topics for students to choose from are as follows: -
Year 3 - Time Limit: 2 Minutes - Topic: MY BACKYARD
Year 4 - Time Limit: 2 Minutes - Topic: SPORT BRINGS US TOGETHER
Year 5 - Time Limit: 3 Minutes - Topic: LEARNING FRROM THE PAST
Year 6 - Time Limit: 3 Minutes - Topic: DIFFICULT JOURNEYS
Over the holidays students have the time to start their speeches or think of ideas for their speeches.