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- School Goals for 2022
- Principal's Report
- Western Region Public Speaking
- Friday Canteen
- Covid Restrictions
- Summer Uniform
- Catholic Missions
- School Counsellor ~ Emma McRae
- Cancer Council School Lunch Box Ideas
- Book Club
- Home Learning
- What's On
- School Community Council - Tuesday 12th October, 6.00pm
- K/1 News
- Year 2/3 News
- Year 4/5/6 news
- Congratulations Miss Emily
- Sports Day for Term 4
Welcome Back to Term 4, to being at school and learning together. A special welcome back also to Mrs Amy Golding and Mrs Maddie Frankel who have returned to work this term.
A very big THANK YOU to all the staff who supported students and families during remote learning, with a special appreciation to Sarah O'Brien and Rachael Morris, who stepped up and led the school community while I was on Long Service Leave. I am extremely proud of our staff and all the care and support they give every day to our students, to our families and to each other.
As a staff family we shared a very special day together on Tuesday, where we participated in our Spirituality Day. We had time to be still, to be silent and be present to the presence of God. We are extremely grateful to Miss O'Brien and Mrs Morris (with the support of our REC Team in Canberra) who prepared and facilitated a prayful day for staff.
Western Region Public Speaking
The first round of our Archdiocesan Public Speaking competition, for Years 3-6,was held Tuesday this week against students from St Mary's Memorial School West Wyalong. 15 students competed with one student from each year group chosen to go onto the next level, which will be held next Friday, 9th August at Young.
Teachers and adjudicators noted the high standard of public speaking and it was very difficult to choose one winner. The winning students for Year 3 and Year 5 were students from West Wyalong. Matilda Morris and Belle Bardawil were the winning Year 4 and Year 6 students.
Congratulations to Matilda and Belle! We wish the girls all the best for the next level of the Public Speaking competition.
Due to Covid Restrictions we will not have our Friday canteen at Recess, We will continue to have lunch orders available from Fisho's Hotbake. Please ensure correct money is place in a lunch bag with child's name and order.
The school will continue to observe COVIDSafe Level 3 operating requirements as approved by NSW Health.
The level three operating requirements are designed to:
· minimise unnecessary physical interaction between students on school grounds;
· ensure that students learn and play only with those in their cohort
· minimise the potential for widespread infection across the school and wider school community
To observe the above requirements please note:
· each class will have a designated area on the playground where they will eat lunch and play.
· There are to be no visitors to the school, this includes families. No families past the gate.
· Students are to enter and exit from the front gate, Conapaira Street
· Primary students are encouraged to wear masks. If you want your child/ren to wear a mask please provide one for them.
If a positive COVID-19 case is detected in the community and our area is placed back into lockdown the school will return to remote learning.
Families are reminded that students are to wear summer uniforms. Please ensure all items, including hats, are labelled.
Price List
Polo Shirt Boys/Girls $20
School Dress $35
Navy Skorts Girls $22
Navy Shorts Boys $18
School Hat $15
Sport Shorts $15
Sport Polo $20
Due to Covid restriction, if anyone needs School uniforms could you please phone ahead to organise a suitable time. Thank you.
Please also remember that students need to wear a hat during play times - morning, recess and lunchtime. NO HAT NO PLAY!
October is Mission Month. Run by Catholic Mission, the aim is to engage Catholic school students’ heads, hearts, and hands in key issues of mission and social justice. It encourages students across Australia to kick goals on and off the pitch to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children in Thailand and around the world.
Archbishop Christopher Prowse has given the program his full backing, saying, “This Socktober, I encourage you to give generously in the language of the head, the heart and the hands, reaching out to those in situations far more dire that ours here in Australia.”
Wednesday 13th staff and students will participate in a CRAZY Sock day. We invite students to wear their most colourful socks. We will also have the classes compete to make the longest money line and the biggest sock ball. For this we encourage students to bring all the odd socks around the house and coins for the money line.
More information will be sent out on Monday.
School Counsellor ~ Emma McRae
Emma McRae will be continuing with us this term supporting our students as our school counsellor. Emma will continue to support the school through both on site visits and via Zoom sessions.
Visits this term will be - 14th/15th October, 28th/29th October and 18/19th November.
Zoom sessions are on the following Thursdays - 21st October, 11th November, 25th November and 2nd December.
If you would like your child to meet with Miss Emma please contact the school for a copy of the referral form to be completed.
Cancer Council School Lunch Box Ideas
Please scan the above QR code to access some amazing Cancer Council Healthy Lunch Box ideas.
Welcome back to Term 4 and THE BEST OF THE BEST Book Club!
Book Club is now open and arriving at your school. We are super excited for our BUMPER Christmas edition with 40 pages of the:
• BEST Christmas gift ideas
• BEST summer holiday reading
Mon. 13th Dec. - Presentation Assemblies -
12.00-1.00pm - K-3 students and famies -
Lunch 1.00-2.00PM
2.00-3.00PM - Year 4-6 students and families
Wednesday 15th December Last School Day for Students
2022 School Dates:-
Term 1 Staff Days - Friday 4th and Monday 7th February
Students return - Tuesday 8th February
Small Schools' Swimming Carnival - Monday 14th February - CLAIM the DATE
School Community Council - Tuesday 12th October, 6.00pm
School Community Council will hold their Term 4 meeting on Tuesday 12th of October at 6.00pm in the staffroom at school. Any member that would like to attend will be sent a Zoom invite to attend.
Agenda items at present include:_
* Fundraising Term 4 - Pie Drive, Raffle, Christmas Carnival
* End of Year Presentation Evening
* 2022 Classes and Teachers
* Government Stores
If you would like to add any further agenda items please Nicole Wood or Jacinta know.
Thank you for your continued support.