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Principal's Report / White Ribbon Day
Today St Francis Xavier community recognised White Ribbon Day and the importance it has in our community.
White Ribbon Day, and the 2021 theme is ‘How Can Men Make Change?’
Within this theme the strong focus is on the action men can take to end men’s violence against women. The challenge though, is for all Australians to Learn, Give, and Take Action’
Men’s violence against women is an ongoing epidemic in Australia and, sadly, COVID has made the situation worse; lockdowns and social distancing have not only created a spike in violence, but also reduced the ability of victims to seek help.
To stop this, we need to change the attitudes and social norms that excuse or condone disrespect, sexual harassment and abuse. We know that to end violence against women, we must engage men, boys and the broader society in this work. So this week and in particular today, within our classrooms and across our school we are involved in activities and talking about White Ribbon Day so we can talk about what we can do in our everyday lives to make change.
Please continue these conversations within your families and these conversations are really important for us all.
A Prayer of Remembrance
God, thank you for the special people in our lives whom we remember in a special way during the month of November.
We thank you for being a compassionate God who walks with us in the our moments of grief and loneliness.
We are thankful for all who love and support us through our grief.
Lord, continue to be a light for us, giving us hope, direction and
May we live our lives treasuring the memories of special people we have known
and loved and help us to bring light and hope to others.
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Mon. 13th Dec. - Presentation Assemblies -
12.00-1.00pm - K-3 students and famies -
Lunch 1.00-2.00PM
2.00-3.00PM - Year 4-6 students and families
Wednesday 15th December Last School Day for Students
2022 School Dates:-
Term 1 Staff Days - Friday 4th and Monday 7th February
Students return - Tuesday 8th February
Small Schools' Swimming Carnival - Monday 14th February - CLAIM the DATE
PLEASE NOTE - Change to End of Year Presentation Event
So on Monday 13th December 2021 we will hold 2 separate assemblies...
12:00 – 1:00pm - Kinder/1/2/3 Presentation Assembly
1:00 – 2:00pm Shared lunch – all welcome
2:00 – 3:00pm 4/5/6 Presentation Assembly
PLEASE NOTE - COVID Restrictions apply for all attending:
* On arrival, families are required to sign in with the QR Code
* Any visitor on this day must provide evidence of double vaccination status.
* We request families observe social distancing throughout the event.
2022 Enrolments
Enrolments for 2022 are now open, for quick and easy online enrolment form please see below link or QR code.
Mrs Morris and 2 of our leadership class will deliver meals for the final time this year next Tuesday. Many thanks to the students who have volunteered this year and to their families for giving permission for students to participate. It was wonderful to see the smiles on the faces of our older residents. We hope to continue again next year.
This week 4/5/6 class had a visit from Senior Constable Jane who works for NSW Police, based in Bathurst but visiting schools all over the region to engage and inform students. Our students came up with some great questions including how to become a police officer, what the job is like, about police dogs and horses, what sort of training they undergo, (and other questions about guns and handcuffs!)
Jane gave great information about the huge diversity of roles within the police force, and how police keep our community safe. She particularly focussed on cyber safety and reminded the students why Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook require you to be 13 years old to have an account.
Many of the students mentioned that they had had inappropriate content pop up when searching the internet, so please check in with your kids about this, and give them the chance to debrief. She recommended families think carefully about which apps their children should have access to and pleaded for families to regularly check who children are communicating with, and sharing videos and photos with. A funny little dance posted on TikTok can seem harmless, but remember we never know how far photos/videos/comments will be shared, and once posted we have no control over this.
Senior Constable Jane recommended families explore the safest option Messenger Kids and think about changing settings and filters to monitor what they are being exposed to online.
The talk was very informative, there were lots of great questions from our students and quite a few said they would consider joining the police force in the future. For further information see for more information on Indigenous Police Recruitment programs and for info on Messenger Kids.
Ringworm on the skin starts as a red, scaly patch or bump. Over time, it may look like one or more rings with raised, bumpy, scaly borders (the center is often clear).
We have been advised of several cases of Ringworm within our school community. We request you check your children for signs of skin irritation and treat according.
We are required to contact families to collect students if they present with these signs and symptoms. Students are to be excluded until treatment has begun.
Please support all our kids by ensuring irritations are responding to treatment and/or covered before returning to school.
1 400g can corn kernels, drained & rinsed
1 400g can no added salt black beans, drained & rinsed
1 250g punnet cherry tomatoes, halved
1 avocado peeled, stone removed & diced
1 small red onion, peeled & diced
1 red capsicum, deseeded & diced
2 limes, juiced
½ bunch coriander, finely sliced
3 tbsp of sunflower oil
Tabasco to taste (optional)
3 wholemeal wraps
Freshly cracked pepper to taste
Pre-heat an oven to 180°C. Place wraps on a baking paper lined oven tray. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until crisp.
Simply combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and serve with shards of crisp wraps.