Filter Content
- School Goals for 2022
- STAFFING for 2024
- COVID Information
- School Vision, Mission and Value Statements
- Project Compassion Prayer
- SFX COMMUNITY COUNCIL — Annual General Meeting
- School Sport Days
- FRUIT BREAK—10.00am AND 12.30pm each day
- Lunch drop off
- What's On
- Welcome to Kindergarten 2022
- School Times
- Book Club
- School Mobile Phone - 0488 493 103
- First Week Back Fun
- Kinder Fun
- Friday Lunch Order
Some Important Information for Families...
* We will continue to provide families with RAT for all students to complete twice weekly rapid antigen testing for all students. Staff will also be testing themselves at least twice a week. This is to continue to keep our school community safe.
* Parents and Staff are obligated to register any positive results on the Service NSW Website -
* Parents and staff are requested to inform the school of positive test result
* No contact tracing will be required and other students and staff should continue to attend school unless they have a positive test result
* If a child has tested positive their siblings also isolate and stay home from school as they would be close household contacts - they must have a test as soon as they can and quarantine for seven days from the date of collection of the positive COVID-19 test result of the first case in a household.
* You are reminded that students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19. These include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, extreme tiredness, unexplained chest pain or conjunctivitis (eye infection). We continue to appreciate all families support in this matter.
NSW Health Advice on Quarantine/Isolation periods -
- If a student is a close contact at home, then another family member gets COVID a few days later, their seven day quarantine period starts from the first known case and does not reset if another family member tests positive a day or two later.
- The student must have a negative test on day 6.
- There is evidence it is likely the student will get COVID. As such, parents/carers must watch extremely closely for symptoms and continue undertaking the two weekly RAT tests.
School Vision, Mission and Value Statements
All families and friends are invited to join the school for our Open Mass on Friday 25th February, at 11.30am, as we celebrate the beginning of the new school year. The 2022 school leaders will be presented with their leader badges after they have been blessed by Fr Dominic.
SFX COMMUNITY COUNCIL — Annual General Meeting
SFX COMMUNITY COUNCIL — Annual General Meeting - The meeting will be accessible via Teams on Tuesday 22nd February at 6.00pm.
The first School Community Council Meeting will also be the Annual General Meeting. All parents, carers and interested persons are most welcome to come along.
Items on the agenda include School Fees for 2022, Fundraising and 2022 school goals. If you would like to add any items to the agenda or become a committee member, please let Jacinta or Sharna Hayward (Chair Person) know. Thank you for supporting our school.
Sport Days for Year 3/4 and 5/6 will be on Thursdays
Sport Days for Kinder and 1/2 will be on Fridays
Sports uniforms can be worn on these days only.
FRUIT BREAK—10.00am AND 12.30pm each day
Please remember to send fruit/vegetables or a healthy snack each day for our Fruit Breaks – two each day. Children need be able to eat their snack within five minutes.
The benefits of a fruit/vegetable in class include:
- Helping to build lifelong healthy eating habits.
- Improvement to students’ behaviour, and ability to concentrate and learn in the classroom.
Our fruit breaks are at 10.00am and 12.30pm each day. The children can bring their own fruit to have or there will be a small variety of fruit to buy at school for $1.00 apiece.
Term 2
Monday 25th April - ANZAC Day - Public Holiday - ANZAC March - meet at Post Office at 10.45am please
Tuesday 26th April - Staff Day beginning of Term 2
Wednesday 27th April - First Day for students
Friday 29th April - WR Cross Country at Gundagai
9th - 20th May - NAPLAN for students in Year 3 and Year 5
Friday 20th May - Biggest Morning Tea 11am
Bus Travel - Bus Travel is available for students. Applications online
Change of address / phone number - The School Office should be notified of any change to address or phone number immediately. Change of student information form was sent home yesterday – please return these as soon as possible.
Student Medical Information - Please provide the school with an updated Asthma plan or any other information regarding your child medical or health needs.
Permission note - Student permission note have been sent home - please return this as soon as possible.
To encourage students to read more, a Home Reading Log will be sent home with all students to complete at home to record any book they read (or others read with them). Children will be rewarded for each total of 10 books they read and additional rewards for each 25 books they read.
Please help us to assist our students become better readers.
Please note if you wish to borrow books for your children to read at home our school is extremely well resourced and we will lend books to any family or student wishing for more books (or different choices of books) at home.
Scholastic Book Club brochures will be given to all students over the next week. We hope you enjoy this issue and that it encourages a LOVE OF READING for your children! Book orders are due back to Mrs Elwin by Friday 25th February or orders can be completed online -
School Mobile Phone - 0488 493 103
The School has a Mobile Phone which can be used for communication with the school. You can also use this number to send a text when your child is absent from school or for any other communication.
Please save this in your phone for future reference 0488 493 103.
Each Friday we have the option of ordering lunch from Fisho's Hotbake. Please see below menu.
Please have correct money & order in a lunch bag to be given to Mrs Elwin or teacher on duty Friday mornings before 9.00am.
Fisho's Price List for Lunch Orders Friday's ONLY | |
Pizza Small Cheese & Bacon | $4.50 |
Pizza Small Cheesse, Ham & Pineapple | $4.50 |
Sandwich of your choice, Grain bread also available. | |
Cheese, Vegemite, | $4.00 |
Silverside, Egg, Ham, Chicken, Roast Beef | |
WITH Salad | $4.50 |
Sweet Chilli Tender Wrap | $5.50 |
(1 tender & Salad) | |
Hot Food | |
Chicken & Corn Roll | $4.50 |
3 x Yummie Drummies | $4.00 |
6 x Chicken Nuggets | $4.00 |
4 x Chicken Breast Wedges | $4.00 |
6 x Chicken Goujons | $4.00 |
Hot Dog (Sauce) | $4.00 |
Plain Pie | $4.00 |
Large Sausage Roll | $4.00 |
Sauce pot | 50c |
Fruit Box From Fishos $2.50 From School $1.50 | $2.50 |
Small Juice | $2.50 |
Meals | |
Mac & Cheese | $5.00 |
Lasagne with dinner roll | $5.00 |
Spaghetti Bolognese with dinner roll | $5.00 |
Roast Chicken & Veg (Potato, carrot, & mini corn) with roll | $5.00 |
Fisho's Price List for Lunch Orders Friday's ONLY | |
Pizza Small Cheese & Bacon | $4.50 |
Pizza Small Cheesse, Ham & Pineapple | $4.50 |
Sandwich of your choice, Grain bread also available. | |
Ham, Chicken, Roast Beef, | $4.00 |
Silverside, Egg, Cheese, Vegemite | |
WITH Salad | $4.50 |
Sweet Chilli Tender Wrap | $5.50 |
(1 tender & Salad) | |
Hot Food | |
Chicken & Corn Roll | $4.50 |
3 x Yummie Drummies | $4.00 |
6 x Chicken Nuggets | $4.00 |
4 x Chicken Breast Wedges | $4.00 |
6 x Chicken Goujons | $4.00 |
Hot Dog (Sauce) | $4.00 |
Plain Pie | $4.00 |
Large Sausage Roll | $4.00 |
Sauce pot | 50c |
Fruit Box From Fishos $2.50 From School $1.50 | $2.50 |
Small Juice | $2.50 |
Meals | |
Mac & Cheese | $5.00 |
Lasagne with dinner roll | $5.00 |
Spaghetti Bolognese with dinner roll | $5.00 |
Roast Chicken & Veg (Potato, carrot, & mini corn) with roll | $5.00 |
Please send lunch order in lunch bag with correct money |