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2022 School Fees
Our amazing Community Council have been advocating for reduction in our school fees for families for many years and we received communication from the Director of Catholic Education at the end of last year that will enable all families to have their fees significantly reduced. I would like to thank present and past members of our Community Council for there continuous support of our school family.
The 2022 School Fees are as follows:-
Fees | Cost | Paid by CE | Cost to families |
Tuition Fee | $340 Family per term | Yes | $0 |
Resource Fee | $85 per student per year | Yes | $0 |
Maintenance Fee | $80 per family per term | Yes | $0 |
Cleaning Fee | $80 per family per term | Yes | $0 |
Administration Fee | $60 per family per term | Yes | $0 |
IT Levy | $50 per student per term | No | $50 per student per term |
This is a significant saving for all families this year. We continue to value and believe that family engagement and involvement is essential for our school community to thrive. Some thoughts on how your family can contribute and be involved are:
- donations to School Community Council projects; e.g Stores order, furniture, playground etc
- donating library books or art / music equipment
- Voluntary Building Fund - any donation to our School Building Fund is tax deductible for families
Volunteering -
- offer to come and read with children
- volunteer to spend some time in the garden or helping with cooking
- committing to School Community Council meetings - once a term
- assisting with fundraisers - e.g. catering, selling raffle tickets or helping out etc
- Friday canteen - cooking and providing food for students to purchase
School Fees will be sent to families, please continue to support our school in any way that you can.
Afternoon pick up is now from the gate on Grace St (vegetable garden side of school). Familes collecting children from school please collect from side gate where staff will be waiting. These changes have been made for the safety of all children.
Term 2
Monday 25th April - ANZAC Day - Public Holiday - ANZAC March - meet at Post Office at 10.45am please
Tuesday 26th April - Staff Day beginning of Term 2
Wednesday 27th April - First Day for students
Friday 29th April - WR Cross Country at Gundagai
9th - 20th May - NAPLAN for students in Year 3 and Year 5
Friday 20th May - Biggest Morning Tea 11am
School Canteen is now open again on Fridays for recess. There will be assorted goods available for sale for $1.00 and fruit boxes for $1.50. If any families are able to help in the way of cooking or donating goods on a Friday please contact the school office or Sharna Hayward.
Cooking Roster:-18/3/22 - Kate Alexander, Amanda Faff, Therese Stenhouse
25/3/22 - Shane Phillips,Anna Doyle
1/4/22 - Nikki Clarke, Erin Hoskinson
8/4/22 - Anna Doyle, Sharna Hayward, Rebecca Keeley
In addition to delivering fantastic learning programs to our students, several of our staff are participating in their own learning. This demonstrates their commitment to improving their own knowledge and practice. This Professional Learning is offered mostly outside of school hours. We are very grateful to our staff for their commitment to being lifelong learners.
High Impact Teaching
High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) is a bank of 10 instructional practices that are internationally recognised as some of the most reliable teaching strategies for delivering learning outcomes.
Daily review - Teachers have been implementing a Daily Review through a range of subjects particularly in mathematics. This is where the students review their learning using the strategies recite, recall and apply. Students across the school have learned some common strategies when using mini whiteboards including: Bin it, Wipe it and Park it.
Goals - Individual and class learning goals are being used in classrooms to assist with learning. Individual goals are specific and measurable to students' needs. Learning intentions and success criterias guide students to know specifically what they are learning about.
Writing Revolution
All orders due back at school by Friday 25th March.
Kindergarten Kapers
Kindergarten students are settling into school life with ease. Students are trying really hard to follow our class rules:
Kind actions
Kind voice
Kind words
There has been lots of learning happening. Below are some of our learning goals.
Learning goals:
-We can say and write the /m/ and /s/ sounds.
-We can say the beginning and middle and end sounds of words.
-We can pose yes/no questions and collect data in a simple display (e.g. ticks on a T-chart)
-We can compare collections using the words ‘more’, ‘less’, ‘same as’ and ‘not the same as’ (0-3)
Religion/ Health
We can make a collage of God’s gifts.
Leigha Brooks Represents school
Leigha Brooks travelled to Canberra this week to compete in the Archdiocesan Swimming Carnivial. Leigha competed in Backstroke and Freestyle and beat her personal time in both.
Congratulations to Leigha for a fantastic effort.
"When I went to Queanbeyan on the 8th of March I was very excited. I was in freestyle and backstroke. I came 10th in freestyle and 6th in backstroke, although I didn't make it to the next level, I bet my personal time." By Leigha
This is a healthy, high-energy snack that is super quick and easy, with no cooking required! You could add nuts and seeds instead of the choc-chips for an even healthier version.
2 cups of rolled oats
½ cup honey
½ cup peanut butter
½ cup choc chips
1 tsp vanilla
Mix all together well.
Form into balls.
Eat straight away or refrigerate for an hour or two to make them firmer.
Mrs Elwin loved the ones that Year 3/4 students made with Ms Wheeler! YUMMY!!