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- School Goals for 2022
- Principal's Report
- Religious Life of School - Prayer
- What's On
- Tell Them From Me Surveys
- Stronger Families, Stronger Communities. Celebrate Families!
- Seasons for Growth
- Biggest Morning Tea
- School Fees Changes for 2022
- School Community Council
- Students Representing Our School
- Classroom Update
- Pizza Scrolls
- Catholic Education Election Report Card on Major Parties
During Term 3 in our Years 3-6 classes we implemented Spelling Mastery. This program uses Direct Instruction/ Explicit Instruction methodology. Direct Instruction is evidence based instruction. It is a scripted form of instruction that has explicit learning design built in and creates a foundational sequence of learning.
Staff are completing Professional Learning Modules through G2GSA to prepare for the implementation of Connecting Maths Concepts (CMC) and Oz-e-Science in Term 1 2023.
We are very excited to be working with G2GSA and appreciate all the support and coaching they have provided for our leadership team already this year. More information will be shared through our newsletters and Facebook page as well as at our School Community Council Meeting next week.
Religious Life of School - Prayer
Spirituality Day
We kicked off Term 4 with a day of reflection and inspiration. We were lucky to gather with staff from West Wyalong and Grenfell to participate in a Spirituality Day around the theme of Flourishing, led by the Canberra RE Leaders. The day provided time and space to reflect on our vocation as teachers and purpose of community. Many thanks to all the staff involved in the planning and preparation of the day. It was a great way to start the term.
Throughout October we focus on the importance of 'The Rosary', a special prayer form for Catholics. The rosary is a devotion in honour of the Mary, Jesus' mother. Through the Rosary, we learn more about the life and love of Mary and Jesus. It consists of a set number of specific prayers: Apostles’ Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. Each decade is devoted to a mystery regarding the life of Jesus or his mother. The 20 mysteries are divided into four groups of five: The Joyful Mysteries, The Sorrowful Mysteries, THe Luminous Mysteries and The Glorious Mysteries. Staff and students will be spending time this month, learning and praying this sacred prayer.
Please join us on Friday for our first prayer liturgy for the term. Years 3/4 will lead us in prayers for Catholic Missions as part of open day.
Term 4
Friday 21st October - Prayer Liturgy and Open Day - Mission Week celebrations
JOIN US between 11am and 2.00pm anytime
Tuesday 25th October - K/1/2 Excursion to Griffith Regional Theatre
- Kindergarten Transition
- School Community Council Meeting @ 6pm
Friday 28th October - Morning Tea to celebrate World Teachers’ Day
Monday 31st October - Dental Visit
Tuesday 1st November - All Saints Day
- Kindergarten Transition
Friday 4th November - School Mass Year 3/4
Over the next few weeks we will be inviting students, families and staff to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
We request you complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Francis Xavier School.
Why are we doing this?
- This is a chance for you to give your opinion on things that matter to you at school.
- It will help your teachers and principal identify changes that can improve your school.
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are able to access the parent survey from Monday 23 May until Friday 10 June, on your computer or mobile device. The link for this survey will be sent to families next week.
A separate letter will go home to families of students in Year 3-6 for any family that does not wish their child to participate in these surveys. The student survey will be completed at school on students' laptops. All responses are anonymous.
Families are strongly encouraged to complete these surveys as the data from these surveys help the school with forward planning is used by the Canberra Goulburn Catholic Education Office.
Stronger Families, Stronger Communities. Celebrate Families!
National Families weeks provides the opportunity to recognise and celebrate our families – the first and foremost educators of our students. We thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to your children and appreciate the opportunity to share in your children’s journey.
“Over and over again we see that family bonds are essential for the stability of relationships in society, for the work of education, and for integral human development, for they are inspired by love, responsible intergenerational solidarity, and mutual trust. These are factors that can make even the most adverse situations more bearable and bring a spirit of trust fraternity to our world, enabling it to feel as a single family, where the greatest attention is paid to those most in need.”
Pope Francis
Change is something that affects us all at some stage in our lives and this is recognised by our school. When change occurs for young people its important to have tools that will benefit managing this effectivley. Our school is participating in the Season for Growth program which focuses on issues such as self-esteem, managing feelings, problem-solving, decision-making, effective communication and support networks.
Seasons for Growth commences in Week 5 and runs for 8 weeks with each session being 40-45 minutes and will be facilitated by Emily Blacker who has undertaken training to implement the program. Notes have gone home for students participating.
We welcome families to join us at 10.45am for the Biggest Morning Tea to be held in the staff room. Come along, support the Cancer Council and share a plate.
Some fantastic news for our families this year. Director of Catholic Education, Mr Ross Fox, replied to our Scool Community Council's request for fee assistance for our School Community and for 2022 the Catholic Education Office will be significantly subsidising St Francis Xavier School fees. School Fees will be sent home in the next week for Term 1 and Term 2, with the only fee families are being asked to pay is part of the Maintenance and IT fee, $100 per family per term.
Paid by CE
Cost to Families
Tuition Fee
$340 per Family per Term
Resources Fee
$85 per Student per year
Maintenance and IT Fee
$180 per Family per Term
CE to pay $80 per term
$100 per Term
Cleaning Fee
$80 per Family per Term
Administration Fee
$60 per family per Term
$100 per family per term
We are extremely grateful the Catholic Education Office and Mr Ross Fox, and also very appreciative of the efforts of our School Community Council to continue to work for our families and the school community.
Last night saw a great parent turn out for our School Community Council (SCC) Meeting. A topic discussed from our last meeting was around how to attract and retain teachers to our community. Discussion around housing and incentives were held and this item will be a running item on our agenda for future discussions and parents are welcome to bring ideas to the table.
A staffing update was given and we have welcomed new staff Ailsa Smith (Cleaner), Ellie Shannon (Yr 1-2 Thursday and Friday), Anita Carter (Dual role Classroom Assistant Monday to Thursday and Class Teacher on Fridays) and Tom McGrath (Classroom Assistant Monday to Friday).
The Thermomix raffle was a huge success and we thank families for supporting this. A discussion around fundraising ideas was held with the second half of the year set to see an artshow and trivia night. A Father's Day raffle was also discussed as an opporunitity to raise some extra funds for the school. A request for funding for 5/6 Canberra Excusion was approved to assist in reducing costs for families.
The Mission and Vision Statement was presented to the SCC which is currently under review to ensure it reflects the school, its purpose and how this will be acheived. Parent input is welcomed and this will be a facilitated session for parents to attend on the 6th of June 2022.
The SCC were advised that two pupil free days will be held on the Thursday, 30th June and Friday 1st July and are additional days due to Covid.
An update was given on Covid and the concerns around flu season. RAHT tests are available from the school, if needed for families. Thanks were extended to families for keeping students at home when sick.
Tell them from Me surveys are coming up and information will be coming out soon. Parents will be encouraged to complete these as the data from these are used for forward planning by Schools and the Catholic Education Office.
The Next meeting will be held on the 2nd August 2022 and families are encouraged and welcome to attend.
Students Representing Our School
CWA Public Speaking
Congratulations to all students for participating in the preparation speeches for the CWA public speaking. Belle Bardawil, Stephen Clarke, Jaye Hayward and Leigha Brooks all qualified to represent our school at the CWA public speaking being held in Forbes. We wish the students going to Forbes all the best next week.
Try Outs - McKillop Rugby League
Recently Jay and Tyrelle represented St Francis Xavier at the McKillop Rugby League Try Outs. In an interview with Miss Corcoran they listed their 'Hot Highlights' .
Meeting new people and making new friends.
A day out and about.
The experience of going to Canberra
Playing on a team with all different kids.
Usurpingly, the cold did not feature as a 'hot highlight' but the boys had a terrific time show casing their footy skills!
Kinder News
Year 5/6 News
Buy a packet of PUFF PASTRY- available at IGA, (and Black & Gold is just as good as Pampas brand)
Spread vegemite all over a sheet of pastry, then a sprinkling of grated cheese.
The pastry sheets are then rolled up and each cut into 8 pieces.
Prepare tray with baking paper and lay cut pieces on the baking paper on a baking tray and bake in the oven at 180 degrees C for about 20 minutes.
We also made some with a sprinkling of brown sugar and some very finely chopped raw apple - roll, chop and bake the same as the "Cheesymite" ones.
See if you can create some different combinations- we often make them with tomato or taco sauce under chopped cooked bacon and grated cheese.
I think Nutella might be really yummy too for a special treat!
Catholic Education Election Report Card on Major Parties
Catholic education has released a federal election report card assessing the responses from the major political parties on education priorities.
The report card assess the Coalition, Labor and Green’s responses to the priorities of:
- Genuine school choice through fair funding and ensuring affordable contributions from families
- Enabling faith-based education through religious protections
- Improving capital funding
- Support for delivering national priorities such as quality teaching, early childhood education, mental health and wellbeing programs and Closing the gap initiatives for Aboriginal and Torres Islander students
National Catholic Education executive director Jacinta Collins said the report card shows the Liberal National Coalition and Labor are on par in addressing Catholic education’s priorities, particularly on school choice.
“We are fortunate that both major parties continue to support genuine school choice in Australian education and are committed to families who choose a Catholic education for their children,” Ms Collins said.