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- School Goals for 2023
- Principal's Report
- What's On
- Religious Life of School - Prayer - Copy
- Classroom Update
- Anzac Day
- Seasons for Growth
- Body Bright Program
- Big Veggie Crunch
- Life Education Van Visit
- Assembly
- Aussie Of the Month - Congratuations!
- Upcoming Webinars
- Lake Out of School Hours Care
- POP - Online Speech Therapy
- School Holiday Art Workshop
During 2023 our educational focus will be to improve Literacy and Numeracy skills — staff, students and families working together so all our students achieve at least 12 months growth. Other goals for the year are:
Build a community that continues to learn - Implement system Literacy and Numeracy initiatives which will increase student assessment data.
Enhance and maintain the wellbeing of all - Continued increase of attendance rates and implementation of school-wide Well Being Policy.
Build a community that is connected - Increased promotion of the school Vision and Mission statements throughout the community and to continue to increase family attendance at school events.
What a wonderful Term 1 we have shared together!
All classes have settled well into new cohorts, new routines and new learning programs. Each day we see many examples of Kind Voices, Kind Words and Kind Actions both in the classroom and on the playground.
We have welcomed many consultants this term to support teachers continuing their own learning and development. The value of these sessions are evident in teaching and learning programs our staff are developing and delivering.
Highlights for the term include the Life Education van, the ZooMobile, Representative Sport, Meals on Wheels, Opening Mass, and our fantastic Art Show!
Many thanks to our students for their resilience, determination, joy and wonder.
Many thanks to our families for working with us to improve student learning.
Biggest thanks to all staff for their care and commitment to the SFX community! We wish you all a happy and healthy break, see you for Term 2!
Term 1
Thursday, 6th April - Holy Thursday - Last Day of Term 1
Friday, 7th April - Good Friday
Tuesday, 25th April - Anzac Day, Meet at the Post Office 10.45am
Wednesday, 26th April - Students Return - 1st day of Term 2
Friday, 28th April - WR Cross Country at Grenfell
Wednesday, 3rd May - School Community Council Meeting
Tuesday, 16th May - Year 3/4/5 preformance at Griffith Regional Theatre 'The Twits'
Religious Life of School - Prayer - Copy
Holy Week is a time that is set apart in our Church’s liturgical year for our spiritual renewal. It is time that is set apart for us to focus on how we are spiritually renewed through the suffering, death, and Resurrection of Jesus.
The liturgies of Holy Week are filled with some of the richest and most ancient symbols of the Catholic faith. The waving of palms on Passion (Palm) Sunday reminds us that we are called to be followers of Jesus, not just fans who cheer from a distance.
The washing of feet on Holy Thursday speaks to us of the selfless love that we are called to practice in imitation of Jesus. The veneration of the cross on Good Friday reminds us that, as Christians, we believe that Jesus can overcome anything, even death. The lighting of the Easter fire in a darkened church and the celebration of baptisms on Holy Saturday speak to us of the new life that is ours because of Jesus’ triumph over the darkness of sin and death through his resurrection. We look forward to concluding our term with a liturgy across at the Church. The liturgy journeys through Holy Week, providing time and space for us to reflect and renew our commitment to live as Jesus did. Many thanks to Mrs Golding for the work that goes into preparing a liturgy.
Year 1/2 attended a session in the Healthy Harold van last week where the students learned about eating well, looking after our bodies and doing exercise to stay fir and healthy. They learned where all the important organs are located in our bodies, and talked about how to keep our heart and lungs and skin safe.
Year 3/4/5
What a busy term we have had! I think everyone is looking forward to a well earned break. Over term one year 3 and 5 tackled NAPLAN. It was a long two weeks with lots of timetable changes and a lot of amazing work and effort put in by all the children.
Some of our favourite moments from term one include:
- Zoo mobile
- Whole school sport
- PE with year 6
- Dance with Miss Laura
- Science
- Energisers and movement breaks
- Playing Kahoot
- Reading then watching the BFG
As we wind down for the holidays we have been learning all about Easter and why it is such a special celebration. We would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter.
Class 3/4/5 did some cooking last week. They made Popcorn Rocky Road with lots of delicious indredients. They set them in individual patty cases so they didnt have to wait so long!
10m prep, 10m cook, makes up to 8 cups
1/3 cup popping corn
200g milk dark chocolate, chopped
1 cup mini marshmallows
190g packet raspberry jellies, halved
1/2 cup shredded coconut
Step 1 Cook popping corn following packet directions. Transfer popcorn to a large bowl, removing any unpopped corn. Cool completely.
Step 2 Line a large baking tray with baking paper.
Step 3 Place chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on HIGH (100%) for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds with a metal spoon, until melted
Step 4 Pour half the chocolate over popcorn. Mix well to coat. Toss through half of the marshmallows and raspberry jellies and 1/3 cup coconut.
Step 5 Spread out onto prepared tray. Drizzle with remaining chocolate. Top with remaining marshmallows, raspberry jellies and coconut. Set aside to cool completely.
Step 6 Break popcorn into pieces. Serve.
Year 6
As we come closer to the end of term one, we sadly say goodbye to one of our favourite teaching support staff, Miss Charlotte Browne. She has supported many students of SFX, especially year 6 Yibaay students. Yibbay would like to wish you all the best of luck on your journey to Townsville QLD, and hope to see you back for visit.Students are invited to march on Tuesday, 25th April 2023 for Anzac Day. They are to wear full winter uniform and ties for the march will be supplied. Students are to meet at the Post Office at 10.45am. We look forward to seeing students there on the day.
Seasons for Growth
Seasons for Growth will commence for year 6 students the second week of term 2 with an information session being held on Thursday the 27th of April. We will be joining with students from Lake Cargelligo Central School with the sessions being facilitated by Bridget Byrne from LCCS and Nicole Wood and Emily Blacker from SFX. Notes have been sent home this week, please return asap.
Seasons for Growth is an innovative, evidence-based change, loss and grief education program that draws on the metaphor of the seasons to understand the experience of grief. It builds the knowledge and skills necessary to strengthen social and emotional wellbeing following significant loss by:
- Exploring the impact of change and loss
- Learning about effective ways to respond and adapt
Participants learn that they are not alone in their experience of change, loss and grief, and are able to build their communication, decision making and problem-solving skills within the context of a safe and supportive peer group learning environment.
A number of staff members are undertaking training in the Body Bright Program, this will be implemented in our school over the next few months.
Butterfly Body Bright has been developed by the Prevention Services Team at Butterfly Foundation with the support of Australian body image, eating disorder, mental health and education experts as well as people with a lived experience.
We are wanting to assist POP in spreading the word about their wonderful organisation and an option for accessing speech therapy for rural and remote families online and would appreciate it if you could place the below information (and one of the attached photos if you have room) in your Newsletter as space would allow.
Pop began in the Cunnamulla region where Heidi Begg, a Speech Pathologist, had a passion for providing accessible, quality healthcare to rural families and was originally inspired by her older brother, who has Down Syndrome, and her own schooling via Distance Education. Pop’s mission is to deliver excellence in teletherapy and learning services to empower all families to reach their potential.
Pop can help adults & children with: Literacy, Speech sounds, Swallowing/Dysphagia, Austism Spectrum Disorder, Brain Injury, Language, Stuttering, Social skills & communication, Attention & working memory, Voice & more. Contact Pop on 1300 26 1160, Email or website