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- School Goals for 2023
- Principal's Report
- Religious Life of School - Prayer
- Christian Unity Mass
- Attendance Award
- What's On
- Assembly May 2023
- Small School Athletics Carnival
- No Mobile Phone At School
- School Fee Statements
- Doing It For Dolly 2023
- Representative AFL Carnival
- Happy Mothers Day
- Walk Safely to School Day
During 2023 our educational focus will be to improve Literacy and Numeracy skills — staff, students and families working together so all our students achieve at least 12 months growth. Other goals for the year are:
Build a community that continues to learn - Implement system Literacy and Numeracy initiatives which will increase student assessment data.
Enhance and maintain the wellbeing of all - Continued increase of attendance rates and implementation of school-wide Well Being Policy.
Build a community that is connected - Increased promotion of the school Vision and Mission statements throughout the community and to continue to increase family attendance at school events.
What a 'Welcome Back' I have received! So many smiling faces greeted me on Monday morning! It is really nice to be back at school!
Thank you so very much to Mrs Morris, Mrs Golding and Miss Corcoran for stepping up during my absence, and to all the rest of the staff for supporting the school leaders.
Last week, I spent time with all of my family, including my 2 granddaughters, making me so very grateful for the opportunity to be a mother and a grandmother. I hope all mums, nans and grannies had a wonderful Mother's Day last Sunday!
We have a busy few weeks coming up with many events including Reconciliation Week (27th May till 3rd June), Christian Unity Mass (Sunday 28th May) and our Small School Carnival.
The dates for NRW remain the same each year; 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.
This year’s National Reconciliation Week theme, Be a Voice for Generations, urges all Australians to use their power, their words and their actions to create a better, more just Australia for all of us.
We are extremely blessed to live in such a beautiful country and during my Long Service Leave I visited many extraordinary places! Simon and I managed to get up Karratha in the West, seeing quite a few National Parks including Monkey Mia, Kalbarri and Karajini, we snorkled on Ningaloo Reef and saw so many spectacular things and places! We travelled 19 000km and enjoyed every moment!
Religious Life of School - Prayer
Next Friday 26th May, is National Day of Healing, National Sorry Day. This proceeds Reconciliation Week. These days are an opportunity to become more conscious of
past harm done and the healing needed in relationships between Aboriginal and white Australians. In 1998, Australia stopped to recognise for the fist time a National
Sorry Day on 26 May, the eve of the commencement of National Reconciliation Week. Genuine reconciliation requires acknowledgement of the harm done by the perpetrators and beneficiaries of past policies so that healing can reach the whole community. This prayer invites us to pray together for such healing...
We invite all families to participate in the Christian Unity Mass on Sunday 28th May at 5:00pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. The Unity Mass is an opportunity for people of all parishes to join together to celebrate our shared faith. Several students representing the churches in our community will present a reflection on Pentecost.
Congratulations to our Attendee Award Winners
Week 9 Term 1
Alfie Kirby and Matilda Morris
Week 10 Term 1
Haydn Alexander and Amelia Harvey
Week 1 Term 2
Beau Golding and Daisy Norris
Week 2 Term 2
Alex Templeton and Shasha Hayward
Term 2
Friday, 19th May - Mass - Year 3/4/5
Tuesday, 23rd May - CWA Public Speaking - Condobolin
Wednesday, 24th May - National Simultaneous Story Time
Friday, 26th May - National Sorry Day, Day of Healing
- Mass - Year K/1/2
Sunday, 28th May - Pentecost, Christian Unity Mass @ 5pm Catholic Church
Week 6, 29th May ~ 3rd June - RECONCILIATION WEEK ~ Be a Voice for Generations
Wednesday, 31st May - School Community Council Meeting at 6pm
Friday, 2nd June - Biggest Morning Tea,
- Small School Athletics Carnival
Small School Athletics Carnival
It’s our turn this year to organise and host the small schools carnival. We need your help with this great event! Our students will compete against students from EWPS, RSPS and NPS on Friday 2nd June. Please see next weeks flier for jobs, the more helpers, the better the day for the athletes!
Please remember our school is a No Phone Zone. If your child needs to bring a phone to school it is to be kept in the office securely until the end of the day, not in bags or classrooms. Thank you!
Congratulations Amelia Smith! Amelia competed in the Southern Inland Under 12 Girls All Schools Representative AFL Carnival in in Batemans Bay earlier this week. Amelia's team came away with 2 wins and had the opportunity to be coached by Ex-SFX student Brett Sanson! They learnt some fantastic new skills. Thank you to Amelia's family, for supporting her in this great opportunity.
Amelia's Yibbay peers also got to view a live stream of one of her games. They were proud of her efforts!
The event seeks to promote better health, road safety, public transport and the environment. Australian children are becoming less active. Children who are regularly physically active are healthier, perform better academically and are less likely to be obese or overweight.
Walking regularly is the best exercise for your health because you can build it into your daily routine.
- Children under 10 find it hard to judge the direction of sounds, the speed and distance of oncoming vehicles and the gaps between them
- Children under 10 are still learning to identify safe crossing places and anticipate driver behaviour.
Please help to keep our children safe!