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Welcome back to school! How wonderful this week has been seeing all our students returning to school and enjoying connecting together for learning and fun. Thank you to all families for the continuation of learning at home. We are looking forward to seeing their growth and building on from this learning over the next few week.
This week we have been celebrating being back together but also celebrating National Sorry Day, National Simultaneous Storytime and National Reconciliation Week. St Francis Xavier School Value statement is “Mission through Courage, Kindness and Reconciliation”, so Reconciliation Week has extra significance for us. During Reconciliation Week we aim to learn more about our history, particularly the events that are commemorated around Reconciliation Week. As families you are also invited to take time this week to learn more and reflect on our past so we can make a better future for all in our community and our country.
National Reconcilation Week is held from 27 May to 3 June each year. It is a time for all Australians to reflect on our shared histories, cultures and achievements and to explore how each of us can join the national reconciliation journey. NRW has a different theme each year. The theme this year is “In this Together”.
2020 marks the twentieth anniversary of the reconciliation walks of 2000, when people came together to walk on bridges and roads across the nation and show their support for a more reconciled Australia.
Reconciliation is a journey and on this journey, Australians are all In This Together, every one of us has a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories and cultures.
National Sorry Day - On our pathway towards reconciliation, Sorry Day on 26 May is an important moment to remember the sad and painful history of the Stolen Generations and recognise moments of resilience, healing and the power of saying Sorry.
27 May 1967 – The referendum that saw more than 90 per cent of Australians vote to give the Australian Government power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and recognise them in the census.
3 June 1992 – the Australian High Court delivered the Mabo decision, which recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a special relationship with the land. This paved the way for land rights or Native Title.
Reconciliation Week Celebrations
Reconciliation Week 2020
This will be celebated at school on Wednesday 3rd June. Students and staff will participate in Prayer Liturgy and various fun activities - cooking, art and games. We will conclude with a BBQ lunch - Sausage Sandwiches and Fruit box.
Dress: Mufti Cost: $5.00 Each Child
Please ensure money is paid by Tuesday. Clothes and shoes need to be appropriate for weather and school. Money collected will go to our Project Compassion fundraising from last term.
Sadly, we are not able to invite families to join us, we will share photos on our Facebook page.
National Simultaneous Storytime
This week at school we celebrated National Simultaneous Storytime 20th Year, the kids enjoyed reading about Whitney and Britney the Chicken Divas.
Bookclub Issue 7 has gone home with students. Mrs Elwin will put any orders in Tuesday 7th November. Thanks for supporting this school book fundraiser!
Communication with families is essential for supporting student learning. We are very grateful to the families that met with teachers on Monday this week (or another more suitable times). If there is any family that missed this opportunity, please contact the school with a time that best suits you and we will aim to accommodate a meeting time (either face2face or via phone).
School Visitors and Afternoon Pickup
Afternoon Pick Up
Please note afternoon pick up can still occur from Grace St Gate – as normal. This gate is locked during the day to ensure visitors come to the office, but the gate is unlocked at 3pm each day for families to pick up their children from here as normal.
The BRAVE program is an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. This program will provide ways for children to better cope with their worries.
Students from Years 3-6 have the opportunity to participate in the program as a school based activity, Students will be independently access the sessions once a week during school hours. Sessions will be supervised by teachers and assistance provided where necessary.
Please return signed notes to school as soon as possible so your child can participate in this valuable program.
Due to the change in regulations in Church, From Saturday the 6th of June at 6pm mass will resume in our Paraish Church.
Summer UniformPolo Shirts $20.00 School Dress $35.00 Navy Skort $22.00 Navy Shorts $18.00 |
Sports UniformSports Shorts $15.00 Sports Polo Shirts $20.00 Track Pants $28.00 Jackets $40.00 |
Winter UniformNavy Blue Trousers $25.00 Navy Blue Slacks $25.00 Blue LS Shirts $25.00 Polar Fleece Jumpers $30.00 |
AccessoriesSchool Hat $15.00 School Tie $10.00 School Beanie $10.00 School Scaves $5.00 School Headband $3.00 School Scrunchie $2.00 |