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- School Goals for 2023
- Principal's Report
- Religious Life of School - Prayer
- What's On
- National Consistent Collection of Data
- Classroom Update
- The Resilience Project - Empathy
- Wellbeing
- Library
- World Ocean Day
- Attendance Award
- School Reports are on Compass
- Save the Date - Years 3/4/5
- Assembly June 2023
- Books In Homes
- Parking School Zones
- Western Region Public Speaking Competition
- Year 6 Transition to Year 7 2024 - Lake Central School
During 2023 our educational focus will be to improve Literacy and Numeracy skills — staff, students and families working together so all our students achieve at least 12 months growth. Other goals for the year are:
Build a community that continues to learn - Implement system Literacy and Numeracy initiatives which will increase student assessment data.
Enhance and maintain the wellbeing of all - Continued increase of attendance rates and implementation of school-wide Well Being Policy.
Build a community that is connected - Increased promotion of the school Vision and Mission statements throughout the community and to continue to increase family attendance at school events.
We are at the half way mark of the school year, the end of Term 2. We have had many successes and celebrations this term. Thank you to families that have supported the health of all our school community through keeping unwell students home and ensuring students are wearing their Winter uniforms, including jumpers in the morning.
Thank you to the families that joined us last Thursday for our Books in Home Assembly. We are extremely grateful that our students are the recipients of this program. All students received another 3 free books and we hope they are enjoying reading and sharing these treasures with you all.
Congratulations to all the students who received awards at this assembly. Thank you also to the students who sang, danced or lead our assembly.
Congratulations also to the students who represented our school at the WR Athletics Carnival. Congratulations to Sasha, Matilda, Aiden, Sophie, Haydn, Jay, Jayden, Ivy and Leigha. It was a pleasure to see them all competing and enjoying the day. Special congratulations to Leigha Brooks, as she will be continuing onto the Archdiocesan Athletics next term in 3 events; 100m, 200m and High Jump.
Thank you to the families that have met with their children's class teachers for Parent Teacher Interviews. These opportunities are valuable for families, students and for class teachers. Thank you to the families that were understanding of the need to change times. Any family that missed these interviews and would like to meet with class teachers please do not hesitate to contact the school so one can be arranged.
We wish all families a restful and safe school holiday! Friday 30th June is the last day of this term with all students returning to school on Tuesday 18th July.
Religious Life of School - Prayer
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders hold the stories that make up the oldest living culture in the world! This year's NAIDOC theme, 'For Our Elders', is an opportunity for all Australians to ensure we are learning from our Elders' knowledge and perspectives, and that these continue to be passed down through generations for millennia to comee.
We pause in the busyness of our days to listen deeply to the wisdom of this land and those who belong to it.
May our minds be open to dialogue,
May our hearts be open to transformation and
May our hands do the work of reconciliation.
We ask that the Spirit accompany us on our journey of healing on these lands, seas and waterways;
We also ask the Spirit of peace be with all those who are living a life of fear, dispossession and distress.
We make this prayer in the name of Jesus our brother and friend. Amen.
Term 2
Friday 30th June - Year 6 School Mass @ 11.30am - Please join us as we celebrate NAIDOC Week
- Last day for Term 2
Term 3
Monday 17th July - Pupil Free Day - Staff Spirituality Day - no students
Tuesday 18th July - Term 3 begins - 1st day for students
Wednesday 19th July - Year 6 Excursion to Canberra
Friday 21st July - League Tag Clinic for K/1/2
Monday 24th July - NRL Clinic for 3/4/5/6
Tuesday 25th July - School Photos
Wednesday 26th July - Grandparents Day - Feast of St Anne and St Joachim, Jesus' grandparents
- Year 6 Transition commences - 2pm Sport at Central School
Friday 28th July - National Tree Planting Day
Monday 7th August - CATHOLIC EDUCATION COMMISSION - Regional School Visit
National Consistent Collection of Data
All schools in Australia are required to participate annually in the National Consistent Collection of Data for Students with Disability (NCCD). This allows our Catholic sector to continue to provide and prioritise innovative and high-quality teaching and learning to support all students on their learning journey. Above all though, our Catholic tradition demands that educators see every child as equal, inherently sacred and worthy of dignity and respect. Our Catholic schools support children and young people with disability as an act of love, not merely as a legislative requirement.
What is the National Consistent Collection of Data?
The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on Student School Students with Disability (NCCD) is a process that all schools must complete on an annual basis. It is designed to count the number of students who receive additional adjustments or “help” at school because of a disability. This national data collection helps federal and state governments plan for the needs of students with disability. It is also the way that schools seek and receive funding to support the learning needs of their students.
Congratulations to our Attendee Award Winners
for Weeks 7, 8 and 9
We will be announcing our Term 2 best attendees on Friday! This will be put up on Facebook.
Western Region Public Speaking Competition
Students are participating in the WR Public Speaking competition again this year. Public Speaking is an essential skill for all students. Students will be asked to present a 2-minute or 3-minute speech on Thursday 3rd August at school. From this 2 students from each class - Year 3/4/5/ 6 - will be chosen to represent the school and compete against the winning students from St Mary's at West Wyalong.
Public Speaking Assembly – Thursday 3rd August at 11.30am
Topics for students to choose from are as follows: -
Year 3 - Time Limit: 2 Minutes - Topic: MY BACKYARD
Year 4 - Time Limit: 2 Minutes - Topic: SPORT BRINGS US TOGETHER
Year 5 - Time Limit: 3 Minutes - Topic: LEARNING FRROM THE PAST
Year 6 - Time Limit: 3 Minutes - Topic: DIFFICULT JOURNEYS
Over the holidays students have the time to start their speeches or think of ideas for their speeches.