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- School Goals for 2023
- Principal's Report
- Religious Life of School
- Andrew Chin Concert
- What's On
- Silly Hair Day
- Attention: Influenza and Symptoms
- Classroom Update
- School Fees now available on Compass
- Attendance Award Winners - Congratulations!
- Belle Bardawil and Leigha Brooks to Represent Our School
- Trent Barret Shield Day
- Dads In School Day
- Nits Notice
- The Resilience Project
- Little First Aiders
- Fruit and Veg Month
- Learning Difficulties Parent Helpline
During 2023 our educational focus will be to improve Literacy and Numeracy skills — staff, students and families working together so all our students achieve at least 12 months growth. Other goals for the year are:
Build a community that continues to learn - Implement system Literacy and Numeracy initiatives which will increase student assessment data.
Enhance and maintain the wellbeing of all - Continued increase of attendance rates and implementation of school-wide Well Being Policy.
Build a community that is connected - Increased promotion of the school Vision and Mission statements throughout the community and to continue to increase family attendance at school events.
Thank you to the many community members that have supported our students over the past few weeks.
* Thanks to all that assisted with the Dads in School Day celebration last week.
* Thanks also to all families that supported our Book Week Celebrations - it was wonderful to see so many family members that supported our Book Character Parade and joined us for our Book Trivia competition. Congratulations to the winners of these two competitions.
* A very big thanks to the families that supported our Book Fair. The school library received approximately $300 of new books from your support of the Book Fair!
* Congratulations to all that were successful at our local show - thanks to the staff that assisted with any entries, including our school entry.
As we get closer to the end of Term 3 we have a few special events happening at the school for our students.
* Monday 11th September - Year 3/4/5/6 will join Mr Adam K and Sally Russell from Lake Cowal, for the Primary Eco-Day. They will be learning more about our catchment area.
* Wednesday 13th September - Year 3/4/5 will join in the Land Council NAIDOC March at 10.30am concluding at Land Council for Morning Tea - all welcome!
* Thursday 14th September - Meerkat productions will be putting on 2 shows for our students and other students of the local area.These shows are based on books that were shortlisted for Book Week. Families are welcome to join us!
- Frank's Red Hat: Thursday 14th September @ 9:30am - for Preschool/K/1/2 students
- The Way of Dog: Thursday 14th September @ 10:45am - for 3/4/5/6
* Tuesday 19th September - Andrew Chinn will be putting on a concert for all. Choir students will join him in this concert. Again all families are welcome to join us!
* Thursday 21st September - Sacred Heart Cootamundra Year 3/4 students will join our Year 3/4/5 students for a Cultural day.
We are looking forward to all these special events - please join us where you can!
We honour Mary as a Spirit-filled person who listened to God speaking to her. Mary showed the fruits of the Spirit in the way she lived her life. Mary can inspire us and show us how to be patient, kind, joyful and hope-filled people so that we can live out Jesus’ message.
Each one of you is precious to God. We know this because God calls us God’s children, and gives us the gifts of the Holy Spirit to shine our light in the world. What a wonderful light each child brings to our school community!
Mary was a loving person.
Help us Mary to think of others.
Mary was a joyful person.
Help us Mary to celebrate the joy that others bring to us.
Mary was a peaceful person.
Help us Mary to work for peaceful solutions.
Mary was a kind person.
Help us Mary to think of others first in word and deed.
Mary was a good person.
Help us Mary to live out Jesus’ message in our life.
Mary was a patient person.
Help us Mary to be understanding and compassionate towards others.
Mary was a humble person.
Help us Mary to never think of ourselves as better than anyone else.
Mary was a faithful person.
Help us Mary to always trust in God’s goodness.
On Tuesday 19th September, next week, Australian religious songwriter and singer, Andrew Chinn, will be visiting our school to share his songs with our children. Andrew’s songs, such as “These Hands”, “Rainbow”, and “Ubuntu” are used in our classrooms and school masses, and liturgies around Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada.
The concert will take place in the Father Mayne Hall, at 9.50am. All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there.
Term 3
Friday 8th September - School Mass @ 11.30am ~ Feast of the Nativity of Blessed Mary ~ Please join us.
Thursday 14th September - MeerKat Show 9.30am Primary 10.45am Infants
Oliver Townsend Memorial Concert (Evening)
Monday 18th September - Eco Day for Year 3/4/5/6
Tuesday 19th September - Andrew Chinn Visit and performance
Thursday 21st September - Sacred Heart Cootamundra visit for Cultural Day
Friday 22nd September -School Mass and last day of Term 3
Term 4
Monday 9th October - Staff Day - Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 10th October - Students return for Term 4
All of our students will be performing a dance at the Ollie Concert on Thursday 14th September. Concert starts at 7pm. Children to be at the hall to meet teachers by 6.40pm.
The Ollie Concert is a very special community event at we love supporting this event. All the students will be performing a dance together at the concert. We have been practising each day and are looking forward to being a special part of the concert. Staff are also practising for their item!
We ask that the students wear black pants or jeans and a white T-shirt. Also a cap that they can wear backwards! If anyone does not have these items of clothing please let the school know - we have many costumes at school.
Thank you in advance for your support in this community event!
Some of the tasks included cutting a piece of paper to make it the longest, trying to calculate how many coffees the teachers drink in a week at SFX, calculating the amount of time they have spent at school including days, hours, minutes and seconds. We had a competition to see who made the longest piece of paper with our winner being Gemma.
During movement breaks over the last couple of weeks, the favourite game to play is dodge ball. Lots of team tactics, and movement skills are necessary to stay in the game. From dodging, catching and hitting your target.
Year 6
Year 6 student's have been learning home economic skills. At its core, Home Economics is about home management. This covers many subjects, such as human development, personal and family finance, housing and interior design, food science and preparation, nutrition and wellness, textiles and apparel, and consumer issues. Students have explored cooking lessons over the past couple of weeks, and are now diving into textiles. While the year 6 boys had extra transition, the girls were able to relax and master some sewing skills using embroidery.
Belle Bardawil and Leigha Brooks to Represent Our School
Leigha and Belle are competing over the next couple of weeks at Archdiocesan level and we wish them all the very best.
Leigha will be travelling to Sydney on Monday 18th September to compete in the MacKillop Athletics Championships in High Jump. We are very proud of Leigha and excited to see her compete at this level of competition.
Belle will be travelling to Goulburn to compete in the Archdiocesan Public Speaking Competition on Friday. Belle competed at this level last year as well and we wish her success.
Dads in School day last week was another wonderful opportunity for our students. Thanks goes to Colin Cartwright and Forbes CatholicCare for the organisation and running of the day. Thanks also to all our wonderful father figures for joining us for the day!
“Research suggests that if father figures are present at school that child’s ability to have more life opportunities increase.”
Parent and Carer Hub
This Hub gives parents and carers access to five video presentations, as well as the research and supporting activities for their wellbeing. The link is:-
Perfectly imperfect Podcast...
Teaming up with one of Australia’s most successful comedians, Ryan Shelton, and his very talented brother Josh van Cuylenburg, Hugh has put together a podcast which is all about how perfectly imperfect we all are. Constantly comparing ourselves to others can not only be exhausting, but extremely harmful. However, when we share our struggles, we start to realise that everyone, no matter how successful, has something they are battling with.
In this podcast, Hugh, Josh and Ryan chat to a variety of interesting people who bravely share their struggles and imperfections, and we all learn some valuable take-aways we can apply to our own imperfect lives.
The Imperfects has three different formats: an interview, the Vulnerabili(tea) House, and, the Academy of Imperfection.
Listen Here