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- St Francis Xavier School Mission
- School Goals for 2025
- Principal's Report
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- Congratulations Belle
- Attendance Awards
- No Softdrink and No Lollies
- Enrolling Now
- Working Bee - Any Help Would Be Appreciated
- Archdiocese Assembly
- Lake Learning Links Transition Dates 2024
- Ask RU OK Any Day?
- Screen Time and Digital Technology Use
- Our Catholic Faith - Parents Handbook
St Francis Xavier School Mission
Our Mission is ‘to work in an environment of mutual respect for all cultures and backgrounds and celebrating the Gospel principles in order to achieve quality education for all.’
‘You are the Light of the world, let Jesus shine through you to others.’
Matthew 5:14-16
Mission through Courage, Kindness and Reconciliation

During 2025 our educational focus will be to improve Literacy and Numeracy skills — staff, students and families working together so all our students achieve at least 12 months growth. Other goals for the year are:
Build a community that continues to learn
-Improve student achievement in English & Mathematics, through HITP coaching and explicit, evidence-based teaching.
- Enhance student achievement in English & Mathematics by strengthening staff data literacy, focusing on analysing and applying data to inform and improve teaching and learning practices
Build a community that is connected -Improve student attendance and strengthen family engagement to support learning and wellbeing.
A very big THANK YOU to our School Community Council Members. We really appreciate your time, effort and support that you continually give to our school. Our meeting this week was a great opportunity to work together. Items discussed included:-
* Heathy options for our students - We are aiming to improve the foods our students have at school and we ask families to support this by not having lollies and soft drinks at all at school.
* Twilight Market fundraiser - this has been postponed till 2025
* The Resilience Project - thank you to the School Community Council for their financial support with this program for 2025. We are extremely grateful!
* Nit Buster Day - School Community Council will hold a Nit Buster Day for all students - with the aim to provide information and possible solutions to decrease nits in our school - thank you!
* Working Bee - next Sunday, 22nd September, we are calling on all families to help complete the Playground area and softfall so students can use the new playground safely. Please come along for an hour or more next week.
A very big Congratulations to Belle Bardawil on her win in the Archdiocesan Public Speaking Competition. To win, Belle competed against the best Public Speakers from the Western Region, Northern Region and Southern Region schools. We are very proud of Belle's achievement.
Thank you Belle for all your efforts and thank you to Belle's family for supporting Belle and enabling her to compete in Bateman's Bay!
When Saint Ignatius of Loyola taught people to find God in all things, I wonder if he had ever experienced searching for God in a house filled with people whose only goal in life seemed to be creating chaos?
As we open our hearts during prayer, we can realise that when St. Ignatius of Loyola taught us to find God in all things, all people, and all events, he did not mean just in the quiet but also in the chaos, in our thoughts, and in our work and actions.
We pray, Lord,
In quiet times, we see your face and we feel your holy presence
In busy and hectic times, we tend to run aimlessly away from your help.
In our most fatigued and stressful times, we need you most.
Send us your calming Spirit. Lighten our hearts, Lord.
Jeremiah Jinu, a valued member of our Dinawan class and always a top student, has relocated with his family to South Australia. We wish him all the best on his last day this week, and he leaves with our warmest wishes for the future.
18th to 20th of October 2024
If you are interested in joining in representing our school, please contact Rachael through the school office