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St Francis Xavier School Mission
Our Mission is ‘to work in an environment of mutual respect for all cultures and backgrounds and celebrating the Gospel principles in order to achieve quality education for all.’
‘You are the Light of the world, let Jesus shine through you to others.’
Matthew 5:14-16
Mission through Courage, Kindness and Reconciliation

During 2025 our educational focus will be to improve Literacy and Numeracy skills — staff, students and families working together so all our students achieve at least 12 months growth. Other goals for the year are:
Build a community that continues to learn
-Improve student achievement in English & Mathematics, through HITP coaching and explicit, evidence-based teaching.
- Enhance student achievement in English & Mathematics by strengthening staff data literacy, focusing on analysing and applying data to inform and improve teaching and learning practices
Build a community that is connected -Improve student attendance and strengthen family engagement to support learning and wellbeing.
We are half way through the term! Half way to go with lots of events on the board. We are looking forward to celebrating the student’s progress and achievements with families at our first assembly. Attendance continues to be a focus for the year. To acknowledge the fantastic improvement in this area, we are introducing an Attendance Reward for each term. Students with attendance rates above 85% will be invited to join us for a trip to the movies in Week 10. Students will 100% attendance will be recognised with a special lunch, venue to be determined. We hope we fill the school bus each time! Thanks to all families, for supporting this priority, it’s working!
Student’s in Years 3 and 5, and their fabulous teachers, have been preparing for NAPLAN this week. Students will sit 4 tests covering Literacy and Numeracy. We know our students will put their best in and we are proud of their preparation and confidence to have a go. Thank you Teachers!
A big shout out to Ms Rebecca and Ms Nicole for the communication and feedback opportunities they are providing. There always seems to be a lot at the start of the year but we do request and appreciate that you reply when contacted. Communication is generally around permissions, learning support and wellbeing. The more we have from you, the better we can meet your children’s needs.
Next week is going to be an exciting one, with visits from Healthy Harold and The Zoomobile. Keep an eye out for the smiles!
Barrandhang (Kinder/Year 1)
The Kinder students are starting to meet their letters friends from our literacy program, are perfecting their name tracing and have been strengthening the little muscles in their fingers to help them with writing. They have also been working hard with deciphering beginning sounds and putting sounds together to make words. The Kinder students have also begun to learn about how sentences need to have a who or a what and a what they’re doing. It has been amazing watching the Kinder students thrive in class and use the content they’re learning.
The Year 1 students have been revising all the letter friends and digraphs they learnt last year and are beginning to learn some new digraphs. They have also begun exploring nouns and verbs and are just starting to learn about pronouns. We occasionally still get a little bit confused when recognising nouns and verbs in sentences, although they have come a long way since the concepts were first introduced and should be very proud of themselves. The Year 1 students should be very proud of all they have learnt so far and how much they have grown over the past few weeks in their literacy.
Dinawan (Year 2/3)
Years 2 and 3 had a great week with Mr K! Established routines and expectations made sure everyone stuck to the plan and continued to demonstrate improvement in their learning. Mrs Elwin and Mrs Morris were very impressed with the feedback Mr K provided about how the students were engaged, respectful and having fun! We appreciate the continuity Mr K provided while we were away!
Bidyin (4/5/6)

To support this, we’ve temporarily paused our Journey to the Unknown narrative writing to revisit persuasive writing skills. Our Year 6 students have even explored past Year 7 papers, giving them a glimpse of what to expect transitioning into a new stage next year.
While we encourage all participating students to do their best, it's important to remember that we are still early in the school year. There is plenty of learning ahead, so they should approach NAPLAN with a positive mindset and see it as an opportunity to identify areas for growth. Working under time pressures can be challenging, but all we ask is that they try their best.
Good luck, Year 3 and 5 students!
The students' Journey to the Unknown narratives are developing well! We have engaged in peer reviews and identified an exemplar text to guide our writing. As a class, our focus is on adding depth and detail—SHOWING, not just telling.
To create captivating openings, students have been challenged to begin their stories with onomatopoeia, an appositive, and a simile, to immediately draw the reader in. We look forward to sharing their final drafts.
Tentative dates for future carnivals -
St Francis Xavier Cross Country / Colour Run - Wednesday 9th April
Western Region Cross Country in Adelong/Batlow - Friday 2nd May
Small Schools Athletic Carnival - TBC
Western Region Athletics Carnival - Friday 20th June
Scholastic Book Club are kicking things off with LOTS of value for families, such as our FREE BOOKS offer + $5 PROMO CODES (only with Loop orders).
Brochures have gone home with all students for the first issue of Book Club for the year. Mrs Elwin will be putting the orders in next Friday, 7th March.
Thank you in advance for supporting Book Club. Our school receives credits for all orders put in, which we use to reward home reading and buy books for our classrooms.