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Build a community that continues to learn
Through:- Building a school wide approach to the teaching and learning and increasing teacher capacity.
Enhance and maintain the wellbeing of all
Our target for the year:- Attendance rates will increase from 88% to 95% across the school, and we will maintain representation throughout the community
Build a community that is connected
Our target for the year:- Increase family attendance at interviews and open day and introduce Yarn Time sessions
Today, 30th October, is World Teachers' Day. This is an opportunity for us all to reflect on the great teachers we have had in our lives, not just at school but those significant people who have helped us become the people we are today.
I am continually learning and have been privileged to have many amazing teachers in my life from Sr Joan in Year 2, Mrs Slater in Year 11/12 Biology and Chemistry, Mrs Crouch my 3rd year Prac. Supervisor, my nan and my mum, Fr O’Leary and Fr Mayne and Mrs Orr and Mrs Evans, just to name a few. Learning is a continual process and it does not stop when we leave school!
So today, I would like to acknowledge all the amazing teachers I have had in my life, and continue to learn from, but specifically acknowledge and thank the dedicated and caring teachers we have at St Francis Xavier School; Mrs Rachael Morris, Mrs Amy Golding, Mrs Marilyn Shaw, Mrs Sarah Whiting, Ms Alison Wheeler, Mr Adam Kerezsy, Miss Sharon Thorpe, Miss Joy Kelly, Miss Georgina Kelly, Mrs Emma Brown, Mrs Maddie Frankel, Mrs Nicole Wood and Mrs Emily Blacker. We are truly blessed with these amazing teachers and I learn more from them everyday!
Last week we celebrated Mission Week,through fundraising and our first whole school mass for some time. Through our fundraising; Trash n Treasure, Money line and recycling our fruitboxes and other drink containers, we were able to send $870 to Catholic Missions - more than double the amount we sent last year.
We will continue to recycle our drink containers to raise funds for Catholic Mission and Caritas. Any family wishing to support this fundraising and wishing to reduce their waste can drop recyclable drink containers (10c) at school for us to continue to support these worthwhile charities.
Last week we celebrated Book Week with a bit of fun. It was wonderful to see so many students come dressed as a Book Character. The teachers dressed up (sort of) as the crayons from the book "The Day the Crayons Quit". Best dressed students were awarded to: -
Indigo Brooks - dressed as Ella
Aidan Faff - Vampire
Macayla Wu - Witch
Scarlet Keeley - Mouse
Belle Golding - dressed as Ganster Granny
We also held a Book Week Trivia Competiton and the winning team was Hamish Middleton, Daesean Rithie, Ruby Templeton, Kaelie Beetson, Leela Jones and Caden Smith. Congratulations!
A Spirituality for our Times: Practising Care and Tenderness
A reflective afternoon for women inspired Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’.
Hosted by the Archdiocesan Women’s Taskforce
Facilitators: Clare Condon SGS and Andrea Dean
Offered via Zoom Saturday 7 November from 3 pm to 4.30 pm
Register here
School Community Council Meeting
- School staffing while Jacinta is on Long Service Leave
- Year 4/5/6 Canberra excursion
- Fundraising - thank you for all who assisted in Car Rally catering
- 2022 staffing / classes - initial conversation
Thank you to all the amazing people that supported our Pie Drive. We are very excited to be able to use the money raised to purchase new tables for our classooms to improve our learning environments. A huge thank you to Fisho's Hotbake for all their hard work in preparing our orders and our helpers for getting these out to our community. Also, a huge thank you to Mrs Rachael Morris for many behind the scenes hours to ensure the fundraiser went smoothly for all!
Kinder Transition
Transition Graduation and Kinder Information Session- On Tuesday 1st December, the last day of Transition, there will be an information session for families at 10.30am in the library. After the information session families are invited to a morning tea in the staff room. Then at 11.30am we will have a Graduation Assembly for our Kinder Transition students and their families. Please join us for these special events.
Year 6 Canberra Excursion- Sunday 6th December till Tuesday 8th December - note sent home with students today.
Year 6 Dinner - Wednesday 8th December - at the Bowling Club - 7pm for a 7.30pm meal.
Thanksgiving Mass- Friday 11th December at 11.30am. This will be the final School Mass for the year. During this liturgical celebration we will ask for God's blessing on our Year 6 students and their families as they move onto the next phase of their life. Please join us
End of Year Presentation- Instead of the normal end of year Presentation Evening we will be having 2 assemblies on Monday 14th of December. We will present awards and celebrate our year of learning together. So please add the date - 14th December to you calendar, with the following times
- 11.30am for Kinder/Year 1/Year 2 students and families and
- 2.00pm for Year 3-6 students and families.
Bookclub Issue 7 has gone home with students. Mrs Elwin will put any orders in Tuesday 7th November. Thanks for supporting this school book fundraiser!
Summer UniformPolo Shirts $20.00 School Dress $35.00 Navy Skort $22.00 Navy Shorts $18.00 |
Sports UniformSports Shorts $15.00 Sports Polo Shirts $20.00 Track Pants $28.00 Jackets $40.00 |
Winter UniformNavy Blue Trousers $25.00 Navy Blue Slacks $25.00 Blue LS Shirts $25.00 Polar Fleece Jumpers $30.00 |
AccessoriesSchool Hat $15.00 School Tie $10.00 School Beanie $10.00 School Scaves $5.00 School Headband $3.00 School Scrunchie $2.00 |