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- School Goals for 2022
- Principal's Message
- Thank you and Farewell Aunty Joy
- First Reconciliation Celebration
- Holy Week / Easter Prayer
- Fun Run
- Upcoming Events
- Andrew Chinn Concert
- Music
- Congratulations Year 4/5/6
- Congratulations Jayde!
- Veg Week
- School Mobile Phone - 0488 493 103
- Classroom Assistant needed - Position Vacant
- School App
- Easter Mass Timetable
Next week we celebrate National Family Week. National Families Week is held between 15 - 21 May 2021 (coinciding with the United Nations International Day of Families on 15 May).
The aim of National Families Week is to celebrate the vital role that families play in Australian society. The enduring theme 'Stronger families, stronger communities' highlights the important role that families play as the central building block of our communities and that community wellbeing is enhanced by family wellbeing.
As a Catholic School we often refer to our school as St Francis Xavier School family, made up of student, staff, Fr Dominic and our very important families. We are continually grateful for the support and dedication to our school from our families. With families we are able to better meet the learning needs of all our students.
Please join us next Wednesday for our Open Morning starting with breakfast at 8.30am and continuing with visits to classrooms and concluding with Morning Tea. We would love to see as many faces as possible back in our classrooms and school.
Thank you and Farewell Aunty Joy
First Reconciliation Celebration
Loving God,
as we enter Holy Week, we pray that it will be a time for us to grow as disciples. May we know deep in our hearts the immensity of your love for us. May our hope be rekindled in the midst of our own joys and sorrows, knowing that nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus the Crucified and Risen One. Amen
Holy Week ceremonies are the most important and holiest time in the Church year. Holy Week began with Palm Sunday, last weekend, which introduces Jesus as King of Israel. In the liturgy of Palm Sunday, we remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem in order to pass from this world to the Father.
Holy Thursday we celebrate the beginnings of the Eucharist. During the Mass, today, the priest re-enacts Jesus' washing the feet of his apostles at the Last Supper. This is a reminder that the Church is there to serve in the same way that Jesus took care of God's people.
Good Friday liturgy reminds us that Jesus descended into the darkness of sin and death for our sake, even though he was without sin. It is a day of prayer and reflection when we remember is a special way Jesus' death on the cross.
The Easter Vigil Mass is the most majestic of all the Masses in the Church's year, when we celebrate Jesus' resurrection - his victory over death! It is a time of great joy.
May you take some time this Easter to remember God's love for us all.
Thanks to the students, staff and families that helped to make our 'take 2' Fun Run so much fun.
Congratulations to the winners:-
K,1 1st Caden & Elwina, 2nd Ellis & Indigo 3rd Thomas & Eliana
Year 2/3 1st Wayne & Sasha 2nd Zheng & Lizzy 3rd Aiden & Macayla
Year 4/5/6 1st Benji & Leigha 2nd Max & Amelia 3rd Gus & Ivy
Last Day of Term 1 - Thursday 1st April
First Day of Term 2
- Staff will be at school on Monday 19th April
- STUDENTS RETURN - Tuesday 20th April
ANZAC day - Sunday 25th April
St Francis Xavier School will again participate in ANZAC Day. We will participate in the parade on Sunday 25th April as usual and this year we will be joining the choir to sing the New Zealand National Anthem. Please add this date to your calendars.
NAPLAN Assessment for Year 3 and Year 5 students - May 10th ~ May 21st
What a wonderful time students and Staff had last week when Andrew Chinn visited our school. Andrew last visited our school in 2006, so we loved having him in our school again!
Thank you to the students that worked with Andrew to help with the concert, singing and dancing to his amazing faith filled, fun music. Thanks to Belle G, Belle B, Macayla, Wayne, Jimeal, Jay, Scarlet, Leigha, Jayde, Rose, Ivy and Leonie. These amazing students are stars!!
Congratulations to all the children who have attended school more than 95% of the first 5 weeks of this term. To congratulate these children they were given a treat of hot chips this week.
School Mobile Phone - 0488 493 103
The School has a Mobile Phone which can be used for communication with the school. You can also use this number to send a text when your child is absent from school or for any other communication.
Please save this in your phone for future reference 0488 493 103.
For those of you that are new to the school or don't have the school app, please see attached on how to install. If you need any further help please call into the office on a Thursday or Friday. This app allows the school to send notifications, notes and other information - it also allows families to send in Absentee notes.