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- School Goals for 2023
- Principal's Report
- Religious Life of School - Prayer
- What's On
- Classroom Update
- World Teacher Day
- Waste Education Program 2022
- Attendance Award Winners
- CALL OUT - Help Needed for Canteen Cooking
- Mission Week and Assembly
- Australian Parents Council Newsletter
- Kindergarten Transition - Upate
- Positive Parenting Program
- The Rainmaker
- EOI - Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Abundant Futures
- Live Life Well at School and Home
- Cooking - Chocolate and Wattleseed Self-Saucing Pudding
- Book Club
Strengthen Catholic Identity - provide faith formation opportunities for all
Implementation of research-based practises to increase student achievement - participate in the G2GSA program to improve teaching and learning
Develop mutually enriching partnerships - increase family and community engagement through 'The Resilience Project' and other initiatives
During Term 3 and Term 4 students in Year 3/4/5/6 have been participating in the Spelling Mastery program. Spelling Mastery provides structured lessons to effectively and efficiently teach the spelling skills students need to become proficient readers and writers.
Spelling Mastery builds dependable spelling skills for students through a highly structured method that blends the following approaches:
- Phonemic approach - helps beginning spellers learn the relationships between spoken sounds and written letters and then apply them to spelling
- Morphemic approach - exposes advanced spellers to prefixes, bases, and suffixes
- Whole-word approach - gives spellers at all levels the meaning and root of a word and shows how the word's spelling is influenced
Spelling Mastery interweaves these three approaches according to students' skill development and provides straightforward lessons to help efficiently and effectively teach the spelling skills students need to become proficient readers and writers. Explicit instruction, careful selection of spelling words, and repeated and cumulative practice help students master each concept and reinforce and retain key information.
Students have been grouped according to their ability levels and meet for 3 or 4, 30 minute lessons a week. Students are enjoying these Spelling Mastery lessons, as are the teachers, and we are seeing real student improvements in their spelling and understanding of words.
Religious Life of School - Prayer
This term staff have been rostered on to lead our prayer time. Its fantastic to see how creative our staff are and how many different ways we can pray. Morning prayer is a special time when we gather together, focus on ourselves, each other and our relationship with God. It’s a great start to our Tuesdays!
Term 4
Friday 18th Nov. - NO SCHOOL MASS - School Mass Year 5/6 Postponed - Mini Vinnies Leadership Day - White Ribbon Day
Tuesday 22nd Nov. - Final Transition Day - 2023 Kinder Meeting @ 12pm
Wednesday 30th Nov. - Swimming 10am (K/1/2) Swimming 11.30am (3/4/5/6)
Thursday 1st Dec. - Swimming 10am (K/1/2) Swimming 11.30am (3/4/5/6)
Friday 2nd Dec. - School Mass Year 5/6 - Books in Home Assembly - Swimming 10am (k/1/2) Swimming 11.30am (3/4/5/6)
Saturday 3rd Dec. - St Francis Feast Day
Wednesday 7th Dec. - Swimming 9am (3/4/5/6) Swimming 10.00am (K/1/2)
Thursday 9th Dec. - Swimming 9am (3/4/5/6) Swimming 10.00am (K/1/2)
Friday 10th Dec. - Thanksgiving Mass - Join us for the final school mass -Swimming 9am (3/4/5/6) Swimming 10.00am (K/1/2)
Monday 12th Dec. - 6pm Presentation Evening ~ Awards and Musical
Wednesday 14th Dec. - Small School Carnival
Thursday 15th Dec. - Last Day of Term 4
Kinder News
Our Kindies delivered a great reflection on the importance of Rememerance Day last Friday. So very special!
Over the next few weeks Year 3/4 will be organising some fundraising events to help support the Vinnie's Christmas appeal. Starting this week with a lolly guessing competition.
Years K-6 participated in the Primary Waste School Education Program which covered important waste topics such as recycling and the value of reusing materials, worm farming, composting, sustainable resource management, litter, biodiversity and reducing food waste.
What did the students think? 'I liked how we got to put things into the water so now we have an idea about what are in the waterways', Leigha Brooks
The water was dirty because all of the chemicals mixed in the water', Sophie Phillips
CALL OUT - Help Needed for Canteen Cooking
Thank you to families that have helped us fill the below roster.
Canteen Roster Dates
Friday 4th Nov 22 Sharna and Rebecca (Thank You)
Friday 11th Nov 22 Amanda and Kate and Angie (Thank You)
Friday 18th Nov 22 Nikki and Ashley and Shelly (Thank You)
Friday 25th Nov 22 Kristy and Amanda and Erin (Thank You)
Friday 2nd Dec 22 Nikki and Therese and Shelly (Thank You)
Friday 9th Dec 22 Kirstin and Erin and Judy (Thank You)
Thank You!
Australian Parents Council Newsletter
Welcome to the latest edition of our Schoolzine eNewsletter! Visit the link below to view your newsletter: In this issue:-
Last week two staff members attended PACE Training and as part of this it showed easy ways to increase exercise in a school environment. If you see some energetic students in our playground it's most likely our way of increasing physical activity time for all students aiming to get heart rates up to increase health and movement. Our aim is to add in movement sessions in the morning, recess, lunch for all our students.
Live Life Well at School and Home
Why sleep is important for children aged 5-11 years. When your child sleeps well, your child will be more settled, happy and ready for school the next day. Good-quality sleep helps your child concentrate, remember things, regulate emotions and behave well. This all helps your child learn well.
Getting enough sleep also strengthens your child’s immune system and reduces the risk of infection and illness.
To find out more see link here Sleep for kids & pre-teens: 5-11 years | Raising Children Network
At 5-11 years, children need 9-11 hours sleep a night. For example, if your child wakes for school at 7 am and needs approximately 10 hours sleep per night, your child should be in bed before 9 pm.
Some children fall deeply asleep very quickly when they go to bed. Others sleep lightly, fidgeting and muttering for up to 20 minutes, before getting into deep sleep.
Cooking - Chocolate and Wattleseed Self-Saucing Pudding
3/4 and 5/6 made these in cooking this week. We used wattleseeds because we have been planting our new bush tucker garden this term. The Wattleseeds are optional and can be left out.
Ingredients (Makes 3)
- 1 Tblsp Wattleseeds toasted (Optional)
- 1/2 Cup packed brown sugar
- 1 tblsp cocoa
- 40g butter, softened
- 1 heaped tblsp caster sugar
- 1/2 egg beaten
- 1/2 cup SR flour
- 1/4 cup milk
1. Soak wattleseeds in boiling water for 20 minutes, then drain (Optional)
2. Combine brown sugar and half the cocoa and preheat oven to 180 degrees
3. Beat butter and sugar until pale and fluffy, add egg
4. Combine flour and rest of cocoa, and stir into butter mixture, add milk and (optional) add wattleseed.
5. Grease cups or ramekins, add mix to cups
6. Top each with brown sugar/cocoa mix then some boiling water on top
7. Place dishes in roasting pan with boiling water half way up sides of cups.
8. Cover whole pan with foil and bake 25 minutes or until puddings have risen and sauce thickened.
Welcome back to Term 4 and THE BEST OF THE BEST Book Club!
Book Club is now open and arriving at your school. We are super excited for our BUMPER Christmas edition with 40 pages of the:
• BEST Christmas gift ideas
• BEST summer holiday reading