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During 2023 our educational focus will be to improve Literacy and Numeracy skills — staff, students and families working together so all our students achieve at least 12 months growth. Other goals for the year are:
Build a community that continues to learn - Implement system Literacy and Numeracy initiatives which will increase student assessment data.
Enhance and maintain the wellbeing of all - Continued increase of attendance rates and implementation of school-wide Well Being Policy.
Build a community that is connected - Increased promotion of the school Vision and Mission statements throughout the community and to continue to increase family attendance at school events.
Message from Mrs Morris
Welcome back to our school community for Term 2, we have been busy from day 1!
Our teachers have participated in as much learning as students so far this term! Professional Development continues around Good 2 Great Schools for all staff, this learning supports the delivery of our Spelling and Maths programs. Staff spent time with the COMPASS team to gain skills and knowledge around using the COMPASS system more effectively for communication and record keeping. Several staff participated in a High Impact Teaching day and Ms Nicole and Ms Rebecca spent two days with the Finance team – special shout out to Nic and Bec for lasting the two days! Throughout all this, our students have got straight back into their learning routines and are showing great progress already!
We request that all students transition to winter uniform by Monday Week 4. Please remember tights are not appropriate uniform, unless worn under a skort, and that navy blue is our colour for bottoms. Our uniform is one way we demonstrate school unity and pride and for our older students, it’s great practice for high school! Please contact the office if you require uniforms.
Next Friday (12th May) we will be holding a Do it for Dolly day. Students will be participating in some valuable learning throughout the week, around bullying and strategies to address it. Friday, we encourage students to wear blue and bring some coins in to join in the activities we have planned. We invite families to join us for a BYO picnic lunch. Thanks to Ms Nicole and Miss Ashlea H for planning this day.
We look forward to welcoming Mrs Elwin back in Week 4 and can’t wait to hear about her adventures. Many thanks to staff and students who have continued to keep things running smoothly in her absence. Families, if you get a chance to speak with a staff member please thank them for being fabulous. I don’t think I’ve come across a team more committed to educating, supporting and growing each individual child, then the staff here at St Francis Xavier School.
Religious Life of School - Prayer
We teach students that Praying is talking with God. You can do it any time, any where, by yourself or with others. Ask you children, what they know about prayer and what prayers they say.
Term 2
Friday, 12th May - Do It For Dolly Day
Sunday, 14th May - Mothers Day
Monday, 15th May - Welcome back Mrs Elwin
Tuesday, 16th May - 3/4/5 Excursion - The Twits Griffith Regional Theatre
Friday, 19th May - Mass, Year 3/4/5
Friday, 26th May - National Sorry Day, Day of Healing
- Mass, Year K/1/2
Year 3/4/5
Year 6
We are so proud of Ms Karli for completing her Certificate IV in Education Support. She is a huge asset to the school and we are so grateful she is one of the team.
Last Friday saw the Western Region Cross Country that was held at Grenfell Golf Club. Congrutulations to Jaydn Brooks, Indigo Brooks, Leigha Brooks, Scarlet Keeley, Rose McFadyen, Beau Golding and Haydn Alexander for competing against other schools. All participants are to be congratulated for a fantastic day. Thank you to Mrs Carter and Aunty Georgina for taking the time to support students on the day and thank you to parents for assisting with transport and cheerleading duties.