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- School Goals for 2023
- Principal's Report
- Tell Them From Me Surveys
- Religious Life of School - Prayer
- Director Ross Fox Visit
- National Simultaneous Storytime ~24th May 2023
- Classroom Update
- The Resilience Project
- Small School Carnival - Canteen Price List
- COOL Kids Anxiety Program
- Walk Safely to School Day
- Il Corso Order Forms
- Scholastic Book Club
During 2023 our educational focus will be to improve Literacy and Numeracy skills — staff, students and families working together so all our students achieve at least 12 months growth. Other goals for the year are:
Build a community that continues to learn - Implement system Literacy and Numeracy initiatives which will increase student assessment data.
Enhance and maintain the wellbeing of all - Continued increase of attendance rates and implementation of school-wide Well Being Policy.
Build a community that is connected - Increased promotion of the school Vision and Mission statements throughout the community and to continue to increase family attendance at school events.
As we celebrate Reconciliation Week we aim to reflect and learn about and from First Nations peoples. It is a time dedicated to building positive, respectful relationships between Australians and celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' culture. We have been learning how we can best contribute to the reconciliation process.
There are a number of significant dates at this time.
National Day of Healing - Sorry Day, May 26 - Friday was a day to remember and paying respect to the First Nations peoples forcibly removed from their homes as part of the Stolen Generations. We also recognise the incredible strength and resilience of the oldest living culture on earth.
The Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum, May 27 - The Referendum made two changes to the Australian constitution, that First Nations people were counted as citizens for the first time and the same laws applied to them as other Australians.
This means that only 55 years ago First Nations peoples were not citizens of this country.
Mabo Day, June 2 - recognises the anniversary of Eddie Koiki Mabo’s work for Native Title and to overturn ‘terra nullius’ in 1992. ‘Terra nullius’ defined the Australian continent as ‘land belonging to no one’ prior to British invasion.
Dear Families,
Due to an extension in the closing date families have a last chance to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) surveys. Surveys will close tomorrow, Friday 16th June at 4.30pm. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
As we value the role of Families within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Francis Xavier School Lake Cargelligo.
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are able to access the parent survey on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below:
The Director of Catholic Education, Canberra and Goulburn, Mr Ross Fox will be visiting the school on Friday, 16th June at 12pm. This is an opportunity for our school community to meet and speak with Mr Fox.
We welcome families to to join us in the staff room for a light lunch. If you would like to speak with the Director please contact Jacinta at the school.
Year 3/4/5
Year 6
A reminder of the Cool Kids Program bieng run by Catholic Care Canberra & Goulburn. Expressions of interests for Terms 3 & 4 are being accepted for children in Years 3/4/5/6. The program will be run after school hours with the child and parent logging in from home, or another private and quiet location. One parent is required at each session, two are welcome.
Would my child benefit from Cool Kids?
The Cool Kids program is being offered to children whose main struggle is with anxiety. Cool Kids covers a broad range of fears and worries.
Cool Kids is not suitable for children whose main problem is low mood, aggression, hyperactivity, oppositional behavior or if they are autistic.
How to nominate your child or if you have questions
If after reading this information you would like your child to be considered for the program, please contact the school for an Cool Kids Expression of Interest Form or email Cool Kids facilitator, Donna Spillman on
Book Club Issue 4 have been given out - any orders will need to be returned by this Friday, 17th June please.